Biden secretly shipping his migrants aka voting and socialist dependency bloc into tossup cities nationwide since all 2021, now it's official...
And backfiring, lol... along with Hispanics disliking Democrats, Democrats dislike busing and prefer to keep them brown coloreds in Biden's "Jungles", busing is fixing that horror... Texas Governor Buses More Illegal Immigrants Into New York - Mayor Calls It 'Horrific' The despicable nature of the leftist political response to illegal immigration cannot be understated. They were perfectly fine with a full on invasion of the southern border as long as they didn't have to deal with it directly and as long as they thought they could use illegals as a voting block. But ever since the Governor of Texas started busing thousands of them to progressive strongholds like Washington DC and New York, suddenly the leftists are not so hospitable. Democrats laughed at the prospect of Texas relocating illegals at the beginning of this year. Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki even snidely thanked Governor Greg Abbott for paying the bus fair of migrants into DC. She is rather silent on the issue now. As of 2021, 36 states have some form of voter ID requirement, which makes it much more difficult for Democrats to exploit illegal immigrants as vote fodder in local and national elections. Some blue states have tried to institute ID benefits to migrants, but these measures are few and far between. Meaning, the migrants are no longer of much use to them other than to continue degrading the legitimacy of the border. Furthermore, New York and DC social welfare systems are being overwhelmed by the flood of illegals, so much so that they have demanded the deployment of national guard troops to help deal with the influx of people. This isn't going to happen according to the Pentagon, and now they are stuck. Keep in mind, Abbot has only bused around 4000 illegals to New York and 6000 to DC – That's all it took to send both city social systems into a death spiral, showing yet again how economically weak blue states currently are. They can't deny the entry of the migrants because then they would look like hypocrites, so, all they can do now is attack Greg Abbot as if he is doing something monstrous to them. The whole thing is actually quite hilarious when you think about it – Karma really is a bitch. This week, New York Mayor Eric Adams once again tried to spin the situation, saying that Abbot was "using innocent people as political pawns to manufacture a crisis." He then called the action “horrific.” But isn't that exactly what the Democrats have been doing for decades: Using migrants as political pawns while busing them and flying them into various regions without permission? Haven't Democrats been creating an artificial economic and safety crisis within border states? Now that they are getting a taste of their own medicine, suddenly the strategy is “horrific?” Keep in mind that this was the same mayor that refused an invitation to Texas to see the dangerous border conditions for himself, so, Abbott is simply bringing those border conditions to New York to teach him a lesson. It's interesting how 10,000 illegal immigrants invading Texas on top of millions more each year was not a problem at all for leftists before, but you move those same migrants to their backyard and now we have a humanitarian crisis that requires the national guard. Can someone please ask the Mayor of New York where exactly Texas should send these migrants other than his city? Where would he like them to go? Maybe back to their countries of origin? But that would be “racist,” right? And here we get to the base argument for and against illegal immigration: Leftists claim that America is a nation “built by immigrants” and anyone who stands against open borders is “racist.” They ignore all the logistics because they're not interested. Only virtue signaling matters to them. Conservatives don't actually care about the color of the immigrants, they care about border integrity and security, and they also don't like the attempts by leftists to flood the voter pool with people who are not legally allowed to vote. If someone wants to immigrate here, they can regardless of skin color, they just have to go through LEGAL channels. Leftists argue that these immigrants are actually “refugees” and not illegals. This is just another way for them to manipulate language in order to change the optics of the situation. These people are not “refugees,” and even if they were, it would not matter. They are still here illegally, and now they are the problem of New York and Washington DC. In the vast majority of nations on the planet, sneaking past the border is a serious crime. Any American that does this would be arrested and jailed, possibly for years. If they are lucky they will just be forcibly deported. However, for some reason the political left and a host of foreigners think that the US is supposed to open its doors wide to anyone and everyone without regard for security, the economy or election integrity. Leftists will of course double down on their foolishness, even while their systems crumble under the weight of immigrants that have no capacity to assimilate while they leach off of social welfare programs. The only reason Eric Adams thinks this is horrific is because now he has to face the ugly realities of his own destructive ideology. If it was some mayor in a Texas city dealing with the problem, Adams would not care.