On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 12:53:50PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Keep the faith, in God we trust.
If you need an upper, X22 has the good stuff:
Ep 2383b – Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, Think Illegitimate https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-2382b-military-control-11-3-verifies-a...
… https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/h/5/Z/t/h5Ztb.caa.1.mp4 # youtube-dl https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/h/5/Z/t/h5Ztb.caa.1.mp4 \ -o X22Report-ep2383b-MilitaryControl--h5Ztb.caa.1-h5Ztb.caa.1.mp4
[Think: Flynn gave us the heads ups...]
For many (especially) North Americans, this journey is often painful emotionally. Normies just joining us and those who crack when the uncertainty just becomes too much, may need your calm, your assistance in the face of their shock and pain when reality comes knocking. The dive down the rabbit hole tends to get deeper and deeper and can overwhelm. As layers upon layers of truth are uncovered, confronted arises. As the old meme goes, the more truth one discovers, the more insane you appear to your (often now 'old') friends. Our battle is to stand in the face of an evil which is very deep and very wide. What we thought might have been a 150 pound gorilla, turned out to be a family of 600 pound gorillas apparently lead by Satan himself, and yet here's the question each must face: what else am I going to do anyway - STOP standing against this evil? Go BACK to watching CNN? As events unfold, notwithstanding any outcome ("good" or "bad"), folks are inherently forced to face their very existence: if I don't stand against this, can I live with myself? This for some becomes extremely personally confronting. They often lash out, even at the one(s) who brought the awareness of the problem to them (easy target, since you demonstrated you have at least SOME discermment/trust, so for them you are now "a safe target" to lash out at; strange but true nature of humans…). Your stand in and of itself eventually gives rise to a dignity not previously known (for most) - finding that part of you that will finally say "enough is enough, I WILL do something about this" is a great place for folks to get to. Yes the sense of being betrayed, and actual betrayal, is one of the harshest teachers. But in this journey we are not the first, and we are not alone. We are discovering one another, many like minded Souls and "You Shall Not Pass!" red lines within ourselves, but also fellow travellers in this journey, as well as the flakes who expect or demand perfection from us and from others, which is prima facie ridiculous but again is the nature of humans. Go easy on yourself too... The biggest problems need the biggest solutions, and in the middle of war, which we are truly in, sometimes pawns are sacrificed. Think of the interruption and potential destruction to (very) long laid plans (the very future of the world of man) that some (ab)used "fist raising commies" could bring were they not otherwise distracted during a critical few days... and even also possible final unknowns unfolding - if YOU were making keystone decisions surely YOU would take all precautions? So give solace to those in need, and as the chela/student in training (aren't we all?) have patience with those who lash out at alleged "failure". This brief time in history is ultimately -very- healthy in a spiritual sense for "the average slowly waking up soccer mum and BBQ dad" - so "cutting 'em off forever more" might just create more pain, so perhaps consider where possible a touch of empathy or sympathy. And know that -your- greatest journey is not this external one... your Creator and heaven is found only within, all external successes and failures are imposters to the Soul. My maker, thank you for my life. Thank you for my mother and thank you for my father, and thank you for this experiential journey, my life. Bring your justice into this world, that evil be banished and that your heaven be brought to this Earth. Bring forth your justice that the innocent may be saved from despotism and that evil be vanquished in the sight of men. My pain within, I surrender it to you that you may receive my sacrifice for the upliftment of this world. Keep me strong in truth, justice and righeousness, in the face of my human frailty and failures. In the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen