On Friday, January 10, 2020, 11:09:24 AM PST, \0xDynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
[twice in the last couple of hours I sent this,
yes, we got it THREE TIMES
you can check the archive before needlessly resending
But I only got it ONE TIME. And, I notice that nobody else replied before the third time. So far, you're the only one who claim you got it more than once. Let's get some confirmation.
At the risk of getting my head chopped off: How many times did you SEND it?
TWICE I sent it at its full length, including an extensive quote from Reddit. (because that quote might eventually disappear, I felt.) Both times I received an acknowledgement from the server, but both times I did not actually receive it back as a list-message. The third time I sent it, but I greatly shortened (but did not eliminate) the Reddit text. I suspected that maybe the length of the message was a problem.That third time, I received both the acknowledgement, AND the posting back to me as a list message. From my standpoint, the system clearly has a problem. Jim Bell