I would never use this unless you were actually censored from accessing facebook via clearnet. All it will do is serve to officially tell facebook that you are a tor user that FB can then further discriminate against as a class in the future once they start to lock down clearnet against exit nodes, travelers, etc or whatever their scheme is or will be. Remember, FB's official policy is still: - Real Names required - Phone Numbers / ID required - DOB required - Gender required - Email required - Etc required - Users are the product that is being mined and sold and shared. Such non optional elements, and choices, powers and rights removed from the user, are in direct opposition to the principles of Tor and anonymity. Normally support for onion/i2p is good thing, but when still backed by crap like this it's largely meaningless. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8538281 http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/10/31/1545231/facebook-sets-up-shop-on-tor http://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/2kvnbw/facebook_accessible_by_onion_... http://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/2kvl8r/facebook_now_officially_availabl... [Some posters already seem to be getting locked out for using onion but of course cannot truly know why because FB does not state their metrics.]