On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 11:24 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I think you misunderstood me. I was not somehow "approving" debt, especially not debt of the magnitude of 18 trillion. Rather, I objected to the practice of raising the debt limit in large instantaneous jumps, in contrast to small, daily raises.
Daily, monthly, yearly, quadrienally... what's the difference? It's all amortization and signature games under insufficient backing.
And, I also objected to NOT using the debt limit as a further lever by Congress on President Obama, and the minority Democrats in Congress: Congress should allow a daily debt limit rise which is coupled, soon enough, by limits on spending which Obama cannot veto, and which the Democrats in Congress cannot filibuster.
US Congress and their pork doesn't give a fuck, their lives and that of their families are cushily secured past any revolution or massive refactoring... unless they're assassinated in the process ;-) And the President just lives to spend all that is given and ask for more, soundbites excepting. Though hearing what, if any, the supreme judiciary has to say about all this, even in a historical context, would be interesting. Especially since most extant countries on the planet started out on the "incorruptible" gold standard.