On Fri, 3 Jan 2025, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many wrote:
traffick boss and karl have a task: pack karl’s objects for a flight tomorrow. ideally they’re mostly all packed in the morning, leaving a well prepared evening.
the big confusion is planning.
thoughts: - flat things in padded box, extra or useful ones optionally in carry-on - clothes in clothes box. optionally more clothes upstairs - opened box gets thrown out or recycled, earbuds in carry-on (i’ll put them in now!) 0736 - if there are unwashed dirty clothes they can go in plastic bag in clothes box - both sandals if room the sandals make us uncomfortable can we change them in? uhhh … 0737 not sure how to let’s hold them as special and go to a shoe store and buy sandals then give these sandals to a homeless shelter or just leave them on side of road ok so we take both sandals. we’re planning to buy more sandals because confused. packing right now. packing hard. the sandals might fit in the padded box or the larger bag maybe i could make a little box for things for my pockets what about the goggles? - bring goggles downstairs. they go in carry-on if room, otherwise any box or bag
ok ummm scanning room left right - dirty laundry (plastic bag -> clothes box, or wash) - sandals (wear or pack, anywhere, both pairs) - pocket item (put with other pocket items, pack anywhere together or put in pockets) - opened box (discard) - flat items (padded box) - other person’s receipt (discard) - goggles box (get from upstairs, pack in carry-on last if room) my mouth hurts. brush teeth this morning. - electronic box? (was in bottom of padded box) right uh-oh discarding one box keeping other. might keep discardable box if room. more consistent. could merge them. ... since the boxes are bulky and unlikely to return or sell items before confusions develop around them, maybe move both contents into ohhh but reminds of coverup. sorry.
so i see value inpacking both boxes but howabout instead we take pictures of them because theyarejust empty boxes and we live in an overflowing crampedvehicle
:s ok? let's atleast take the pictures it's about unfamiliar.stressed today separated from box-associated memories. was using for other memories.
let's put theitem in the opened box to help usfind it and maybe put a note on the boxes that they areready to be discarded when done with? 0748
0750 one of the reasons like box is doesn't break as fast as plastic bag sounds useful information. cloth bag maybeworks better for than plastic
- case (.. put flat items in .. this might warrant larger bag for carryon as doesn't fit in padded box - new device (put with flat items - laptop (put in case in larger carry-on - warm clothes (put all together, pack last if room, otherwise wear
worried small carryon might not fit in larger easily. scared. muscle behaviorsnot prepared
Okay! packing more !!!!!!!!! also in totally unrelated news, it's much easier to use selenium now. it comes with a selenium manager that installs the webdriver (finally! actually maybe it always had this and it just wasn't very good dunno. i actually had chromedriver in package repository. also there is another working one called pyppeteer/puppeteer. it can work using a local binary by passing executablePath=). import selenium from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By with selenium.webdriver.Firefox() as driver: driver.get("https://norbu-ai.org/") for textnode in driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div.text-left, div.text-small'): print(textnode.text) # import asyncio from pyppeteer import launch async def main(): browser = await launch(dumpio=True,executablePath='/bin/chromium-browser') # headless=True page = await browser.newPage() await page.goto('https://example.com') await page.screenshot({'path': 'example.png'}) await browser.close() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main()) #### but! packing !!!!!!!! ok so packing :) hmmmmmmmm ima run and grab my shoes. but i gotta be careful not to pack _alk_ my shoes ... ok i ... wait did i bring shoes? i better find all my shoes. 1823 got my shoes. plan is to pack the small shoes and wear the big shoes. i got new shoes as a gift. ok! ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what do i need to do to be packed. i have another bag now so i'm trying to jam more clothes in rather than leaving them here or throwing them out let's scan again! bag for electronic device -> in paddded bag if it fits electronic device -> in pocket i'll put it there now recovery book -> in carryon i'll put it there now [the therapy manual is so much more interesting than the recovery book :/ you get to learn instead of try to do things. i'm better at learning than doing. maybe different approaches are better for different people. maybe i'll put both books in my carryon >-) maybe not] eyewear for eye issue -> in carry-on i'll put it there now pen. why is there a pen. what is the pen doing here. oh it's a pencil. it goes in carry-on i'll put it there now. item from my pocket that's irritatingly bulky. i'll put it in my pocket. could also go in carry-on! box for eyewear, i'll put it with other opened box i'm planning to discard now flat thing i'll put in carry-on now. i didn't realise i could put the items where they went now :) carry-on has things in it! toothbrushing stuff hrm >( i'd like to brush my teeth tonight and tomorrow, and then put it in a checked bag i guess if there's room probably the new clothes bag. i'll put it near it. shoes go in new clothes bag. i'll put them there now. coping kids crafts thing -> padded box ; i'll put it there now [i want the therapy manual from this box it seemed fun :S [no not tonight]] what's left ??? plastic bag -> goes dirty laundry in and then in the new bag. oh no there might not be room. but there's lots more room. i'll put it by laundry now. object tray for padded box -> goes in padded box. i'll put it there now. clothes overflowing out of box with wheels -> gets cinched down. i'll cinch it down now. pants that are too small for me -> i guess laundry. i'll put them there now. they're only a little too small and may fit me in summer. estimated 2 mysterious objects missing, unknown. ... chargers for devices can go in carry-on. laptop too. oh! i'm typing on it! there it is! ipad is missing but likely nearby. estimated 1 object missing. most things acconuted for!!!!!!! i will mak eflight !!!!! :D