On 10/12/20, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
the magicial, bewitching lodestone "national security," the abiding weapon of nations governed as royalty, heirarchical, the few overlording the many with force, elections, education, faith and trivializing deriviatives of entertainment, media, chat, parties, militants, rebels, revolutionaries, independents, intellectuals, geniuses, "democracies" ruled by kingdoms of presidents, congresses, courts.
Nonetheless, always a nonetheless apologia for top-down regimes, far more rewarding to cooperate with authorities than to defy them, more lucrative too. So backdoors in crypto, each and every version, must be inherent code, along with outpourings of assurances there are workarounds to escape the many and be one of the few. Today, that is marketed as "smart."
Democracy - noun: A distributed, intentionally much harder to kill as such, version of the same old tyrant King. A confusing shuffle game, a fraudulent trap, set for the eyes and minds of free humans. A thoroughly successful sinister global power play, having traded self determination for false representation at closeout prices. A descent, from which recovery toward freedom becomes all the much harder. A system, exquisitely designed and taught, whereby the "majority" do subject the "minority" to arbitrary whim, up to and including death.