There's certainly lots of real world governance models to try to draft and execute.
Then there's another problem 1) Governance in the first place. and / or 2) That it's run by humans who are by nature corrupt.
Humans are not corrupt by nature. They have self-interest, that is all. Humans will sacrifice immediate self-interest if it leads to a greater goal (enlightend self-interest). The situation in our current world is that humanity has adapted to an extremely pathological condition where they've been made to both powerless and under a delusion of powerless at the same time. In any event, this inherent, yet unconscious wrong makes people act covertly corrupted, or passive-aggressive. The other problem is how unreal the interactions at the top are. They are expected to act at a level of professionalism and decorum that simply does not exist in any reasonable manner. It's as if they were raised in a long-royal family and now settling in at their post, yet most of these people are grossly incompetent, given the demands -- the system has simply accumulated enormous deferred maintenance and like any system that has been neglected, the problems get amplified until collapse. The strange thing is that it's all still running --either its an illusion or it's being propped up by some extrernal force (God?) to prevent total breakdown. In any event, there's a page on governance on the hackerspaces wiki which is quite interesting vis. the anarchist Will for non-governance. (Full disclosure: It's written under a quasi-anonymous account, some of which is me. ;^) \0xD