tfw you laugh and cry in the same moment. Golden moments after golden moments - see a few of them below. ANTIFA in the burbs ain't doin so well - all across America, folks starting to get out, armed and in numbers, defending their local businesses, homes, friends - watch the impressive and peaceful results below, e.g. https://t.co/W1iwHCyr1Q - inspiration +++ Live the right hey... and peace, good will, and God speed. "They're Getting The Sh*t Kicked Out Of Them": Antifa Attempt To Riot In California Suburb Goes Awry https://www.zerohedge.com/political/theyre-getting-sht-kicked-out-them-antif... A group of Antifa 'protesters' were met with instant justice at the hands of angry residents in the suburban town of Yucaipa, California, located approximately 10 miles East of San Bernardino. In a video posted to Twitter Tuesday afternoon, a large scuffle can be seen breaking out at an ARCO gas station while a man narrates: "It ain't goin' good at all. They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys, and it's goin' again. God damn, the antifa guys are not doing well here - they're all getting the shit kicked out of them." One of the protesters can be heard shouting "Justice for Floyd" - right before the man filming says "Uh, it's goin' bad. The antifa guys are being chased like crazy. Told you Yucaipa ain't the place to be." When Antifa messes with the suburbs. Best thing I’ve ever seen. pic.twitter.com/zK6MkhdemV — 🇺🇸FIGHTTHEGOODFIGHT🇺🇸 (@Just_Shannah) June 2, 2020 https://t.co/zK6MkhdemV This isn't the first instance of locals defending their town from what has become unmitigated violence and looting across major, Democrat-run cities around the country. In fact, armed residents (and store owners) across the country aren't having any of antifa's bullshit: A funny thing happened when rioters walked past ARMED HOMEOWNERS... nothing. pic.twitter.com/W1iwHCyr1Q https://t.co/W1iwHCyr1Q — Carolina Opinion (@CarolinaOpinion) June 2, 2020 ... Civil Unrest Was Inevitable - Here's How It Will Be Exploited To Bring In Tyranny http://www.alt-market.com/index.php/articles/4241-civil-unrest-is-inevitable... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/civil-unrest-was-inevitable-heres-how-it... Mass civil unrest is a cumbersome weapon for societal change; like an oversized caveman club made of oak. You can barely swing it, and when you do you might destroy an enemy with it but you could also unwittingly destroy innocent people at the same time. Once the weapon is in motion adjusting its direction or momentum becomes difficult. I prefer the scalpel approach - Find the cancer and cut it out directly, rather than bashing at the whole body just to get at one tumor. ..the situation has turned into something far beyond the killing of George Floyd. It has become a vehicle for agendas and not surprisingly the establishment benefits most; the very establishment the protesters think they are fighting against... [IOW, if you're going to protest, be smart about it and follow in the footsteps of those who have demonstrated the type of protest that you see is effective and achieves the kind of outcomes you want to see achieved; Standing in the right, standing in solidarity, standing with those in your community including those you might have issues with, sometimes results in outcomes that some find inspiring...] This be real shirt folks, Russia/Putin mirros the USA, now has doctrine allowing for first nuclear strike: Nuclear Brinkmanship Is Back: Putin OKs Using Nukes In Response To Conventional Attacks https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nuclear-brinkmanship-back-putin-oks-u... .. They include the use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction against Russia or its allies and an enemy attack with conventional weapons that threatens the country’s existence. ... [Looks like Soros needs to lay low for a while when he's near the Russian borders with his usual drumming up hatred... one threat too many might result in a massive nuclear tinged crater around what was his body. Do NOT snigger :D] And for those itching to bow to Lucifer's kin for a free meal (literally, sign up and get paid to smash the patriarchy's shop windows and/or punch a White person, old, young, female, does not matter): https://www.georgesoros.com/ ... or may be you can protest peacefully and take the money anyway, stand in righteousness and good spirit and defending the first amendment, second amendment etc (just don't tell uncle George you're defending the second - he seems pretty spooked by THAT particular right :D On Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 05:50:56PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Folks this is some serious inspiration on the rise - when a few good men stand, often that's enough, and often a few more good men join them, and then here and there we are seeing literally 100s of good folks getting out to join the corageous initial few good men, and standing in solidarity and protecting their towns.
From Texas to Idaho, it's time to celebrate if you've stood already in the right, and time to man up and live the right if the turoil is yet to hit your town.
Live the right muh grits! Yee haw :D
Fantastic times all - join in and experience the feelings of liberation.
Idaho Town Taken Over By Armed 'Patriot' Patrols Amid Rumors Antifa Headed There https://www.zerohedge.com/political/idaho-town-taken-over-armed-patriot-patr...
.. "Reports and rumors that groups bent on rioting and violence in Coeur d’Alene brought out men and women with guns on Monday determined to stop them if they arrive," local Idaho media reported. https://cdapress.com/news/2020/jun/02/armed-patriots-patrol-coeur-dalene-5/
"Dan Carson was patrolling Sherman Avenue with an AR-12 automatic 12-gauge across his chest, an AR-15 strapped to his back, two 9mm handguns holstered and a .38 special, too," the report continued.
Groups of loosely affiliated 'Proud Boys' and armed 'patriots' began lining the streets of downtown Coeur d’Alene over reports left wing militants and Antifa anarchists were planning to cause mayhem in the area:
Soon, more armed men, self-described as a loosely formed group of patriots, arrived. They took up posts at corners on both sides of Sherman Avenue.
Later, they were joined by hundreds of citizens packing rifles, semi-automatic weapons, handguns, and bows and arrows.
The sidewalks were packed with people walking up and down Sherman Avenue, firearms proudly displayed for all to see.
They carried guns, had them holstered around their hips and had them strapped across their backs.
https://t.co/9kMcX8WgMS — Maher Kawash (@MaherKXLY) June 2, 2020 https://twitter.com/MaherKXLY/status/1267668615018377216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
As it turns out, a group of Black Lives Matter protesters did in parts of the city briefly face off with the 'protect Idaho' group of armed locals, however, the scene stayed peaceful and without incident, dispersing relatively early into the evening as the police monitored the situation.
Ultimately it appeared that in the downtown area it was only the armed patriot group which was out in force, unopposed. But the armed citizens patrols were in such large numbers they effectively took over the streets.
Our beautiful home sweet home of North Idaho!! God bless our patriots, law-enforcement, & peaceful protestors (we support you) you are welcome! Those of you who incite violence, to destroy our communities will be met with a force in the likes of which you have never seen! #NIdaho pic.twitter.com/JKyUrLzqSD — Laurie Powell (@JaynLaurieP) June 2, 2020
It's a scene that's also played out in places like Texas, where smaller towns and rural areas have vowed to keep rioters far away, also as individual citizens practice 'open carry' in states where it's permissible.
[full article and brief live stream worth it for the conviction...]
Trump reassures NRA: 'We will protect your Second Amendment' https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/04/politics/trump-nra-convention-dallas/inde...
Trump calls protesters against stay-at-home orders 'very responsible' https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/17/trump-liberate-tweets-corona...
Trump's Mere Mention of the Second Amendment Sent Progressives Off the Deep End https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/06/01/progressives-and-antigu...
Wanna avoid this 'Soros' blueprint for turmoil and the consequent locking down of the nation? Then pick up your balls and live your great second amendment!
This Is Not A Revolution. It's A Blueprint For Locking Down The Nation John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/not-revolution-its-blueprint-locking-dow...
Shocking Evidence Suggests Coordinated Effort To Orchestrate An Uprising Inside The United States Michael Snyder via TheMostImportantNews.com, http://themostimportantnews.com/archives/shocking-evidence-that-indicates-th... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shocking-evidence-suggests-effort-orches...
Even single shops in the middle of a burning city can be and have been saved in this way:
ARMED CITIZENS STAND WITH MN PROTESTERS, BUT DEFEND STORES FROM LOOTERS https://www.infowars.com/armed-citizens-stand-with-mn-protesters-but-defend-... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsItCadcPwc https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/05/armed-citizens-stand-with-mn-protesters-bu... ‘Cops are a lot less likely to tread on people’s rights when there’s other armed Americans with them’ Four armed men were filmed standing in front of businesses in danger of being looted on Wednesday night as an anti-police brutality protest in Minneapolis, Minnesota quickly turned into an all-out riot. ... .. When asked why they were protecting the store in the background, the pair described heading to the shop to purchase some tobacco and finding out it was closed and the owners were out front with machetes to defend their businesses. “We heard that and we thought ‘we better kit up and see if those guys need help,’ and it turns out these guys are out here with machetes and shattered windows – trying to keep looters out of their business because cops can’t get here,” another armed protester said. “So, you know, I figure before there were cops, there were just Americans. So here we are,” he continued. ...
Corbo’s bakery owners in Cleveland, Ohio are armed with guns in order to defend themselves and their business during the protest for George Floyd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bexEXiqEjQs
Note To Rioting Americans: Why Looting A Gun Store Isn't Such A Great Idea https://www.zerohedge.com/political/note-rioters-why-looting-gun-store-isnt-...
Who were the rooftop Koreans defending a gun store during the Los Angeles 1992 riots? https://www.quora.com/Who-were-the-rooftop-Koreans-defending-a-gun-store-dur...
Leftists Panic After Seeing ‘White Men With LARGE GUNS’ Defending Their Own Neighborhoods https://www.infowars.com/leftists-panic-after-seeing-white-men-with-large-gu... .. This hilarious clip out of Snohomish, Washington was shared Sunday on Twitter by a leftist who lamented how the town was “trash.” Some leftist uploaded this video from #Snohomish, WA on Sunday showing patriots defending their (riot free) town with guns. He complained about how the town was "trash." He deleted it after it went viral and was praised by right-wing Twitter. 😂👌 pic.twitter.com/5i9ZoBSeHf — Chris Menahan 🇺 🇸 (@infolibnews) June 1, 2020 https://t.co/5i9ZoBSeHf
Looters break into a Philly gun store overnight... - TheBlaze https://www.theblaze.com/news/looters-philly-gun-store-owner
Gun Sales Soar 80% In May Amid Race Riots, Government... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/gun-sales-soar-80-may-amid-race-rio...