On 02/21/2017 02:25 PM, John Newman wrote:
On February 21, 2017 3:25:28 AM EST, "James A. Donald" <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
As far as I know, every single dispute between Trump and the mainstream media turns out this way.
On 2/21/2017 5:13 PM, John Newman wrote:
You mean Trump spouts a line of utter nonsense that is quickly denounced? Pretty much.
Denounced indeed - but the evidence that Trump spoke the truth and the media lied and continued to lie just piles up, and up, and up.
As in the case of events in Sweden, so too in every other case where I am familiar with the facts
How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up?
His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades?
His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years?
He said only 109 people were affected by his immigration executive order?
Oh, an oldy but a goody - he NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right?
It goes on and on and on, I could research this and just keep piling them on, but I wont bother. All politicians lie, it's in their nature. However Trump takes it to an extreme that I've never seen, and hilariously often lies about completely inconsequential shit. Your die-hard defense of him (in fact you LITERALLY want a King Trump - "vivat rex", LOL) speaks volumes about your own credulity and the fantasy world you crave: only white males who, again literally, own their wives, with a medieval sense of social mores. You are a special kind of sick, a special kind of stupid, and I'm adding you to a special kind of mail filter so I don't keep losing my shit and replying to your insane bullshit.
I've protested every president since and including Reagan. They all seem to be obsessed with increasing the power of the presidency. Trump is the most blatent about it but Obama and W were quite effective at contributing to the imperial presidency. To Obamas credit - i may be wrong in giving him any credit - i did see him give up some cyberweapons when people associated with the NSA told the TOR project about the certificate pinning holes in the TOR browser. It seemed to me he did not want either Hillary or the Orange shit baboon to have that cyberweapon. I might be wrong if he had anything to do with it but i think he did. I think as cypherpunks we should focuss on our duty to use cryptography to mitigate governmental power. I really find it beyond the pale to have one of our number advocating for an authoritarian. What does James think about the CBP demanding passwords of people ? Siezing devices. I am sure that that key escrow will come up again. Will he support it now that his dude is in power ? Is he only a cypherpunk for white people ?