On 11/4/15, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Zerocoin’s coming launch as a startup, by contrast, revives the cryptocurrency community’s dream of truly anonymous money—with all the promises and perils that come with it. Stay tuned.
Tor + Ethereum + Augur + Zerocoin = ???????? The tools are coming together nicely.
Although, I think that Tor could use a little improvement. Its three-hop method is limited and old.
this is actually the subject of ongoing, varied research in terms of better protections (like Guard selection improvements) to wild architectures in a datagram world using user space stacks and optimized dependent link padding across locally classed traffic. https://blog.torproject.org/category/tags/research and http://freehaven.net/anonbib/ span the gamut.
Further, there should be an automatic system to generatedecoy messages at each stage in the transfer, built into the Tor protocol itself.(as well as the generation of spontaneous fake messages when network traffic is low.
this is where optimized dependent link padding coupled to locally classified traffic (signalling|control, interactive, streamingmedia, bulk transfer, etc.) shows promise. benefits of padding with a fraction of the bandwidth...
Routers should be equipped with Tor relay capability built-in.
the Tor Router idea is a sore spot :( maybe one day?