14 Apr
14 Apr
1:27 p.m.
2022-03-21 thru 2022-03-27: [X] Week 1 of Wim Hof Cold Protocol, 30 seconds cold water daily. Performed indoors. 2022-03-28 thru 2022-04-12: [ ] it simply got harder and harder to shower at all as I stretched the cold water time toward 1:30 in week 2 and discovered my water could be made colder than I had had it before 2022-04-14 0924 ET: [X] Custom protocol reacclimation, 1 meal , 5 seconds of cold water I have appointments today so it seemed easier to shower. I took breakfast into the shower, started prior, finished after. I dropped the time to 5 seconds with intent to ramp up, hoping it would reduce the pressure. Let's see how long I can shower with every meal.