On 05/22/2017 10:48 AM, Dr. Carl W. Greer wrote:
Snowden defends Comey
Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com Fri May 19 05:48:35 PDT 2017
please respect her choices, her freedom, her life. The same about all transgenders, please.
If you cared at all about mannning's life, you would not defend the path that he has taken. Unless you think it is a good thing when a "white" male cuts his dick off. Is that what you want C&Canon, to have Bradley cut his dick off ?
In modern male to female surgery, they turn the penis inside out. The head of the penis becomes the clitoris. Unfortunately, the prostate (homologue of the G-spot) is too far up in the ureter to move. But hey, you take what you can get. And it does leave you with better anal sensitivity :)