So CNN denies cutting off Bernie Sanders in their interview - in which they cut him off for making a "Fake News CNN" joke - then promptly deny cutting him off, first with "technical problems" and then with plain "we didn't cut him off, here's the transcript proving it" claim, and publish their own transcript ... which shows that Bernie indeed got cut off. This IS after all, CNN! You can't make this stuff up - it would be the lamest movie line in history and people would say "oh yeah right, like a mainstream western TV channel would do THAT!" But here we are. Non stop Fake News CNN doing everything they possibly can to discredit themselves. Could this really be a continuous, as in ongoing, like permanent, real life freudian slip by the network's staff, subconsciously trying to appease their unfathomable guilt at eating so much ... pizza ... or something. (CEO of CNN was overheard mumbling "it's not like we've got anything to bloody lose or nuthin!") Keep up the pressure lads, CNN's total financial destruction is near, and this would send a "surprisingly apropos" signal to these pizza loving Fake News kings! 2017 - where the winning just never stops: