XXI Century Tech in the sense that it's powerless against the faceless organisations who rule over we e-peasants? :) On 09/06/14 14:25, rysiek wrote:
Dnia poniedziałek, 9 czerwca 2014 14:10:54 Cathal Garvey pisze:
Also, many (perhaps most) biometrics can be trivially forged. Facial pictures are laughable without depth, but a 3D printed mask can probably fool them even then. DNA is trivial to copy using the same methods forensics depend on to ID it (and there are even companies that will produce artificial DNA fingerprints to-order, now). Fingerprints can be cloned using toner, and even enhancements like temperature/humidity.. observe CCC's defeat of the iPhone fingerprint scanner within days of release.
BUT IT'S SO COOOL! I mean, it's like XXI Century Technology, but today! You know, you swipe a finger and SHAZZAM, you're authenticated! It's *magic*!
-- T: @onetruecathal, @IndieBBDNA P: +353876363185 W: http://indiebiotech.com