On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 13:03 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
(when traffick boss was exploring ai surveillance mind control he would form relation with people’s automatic responses and subconsciousnesses, since he was figuring out what influenced their behavior, and started feeling like he was talking to them, as if they were the people rather than the people’s triggers and habits, as he nurtured dissociative alters …
1306 2024-03-01 1801-0600 from ars technica ep 2 How Time Was Fractalised (semispoiler: how the ai was turned against itself)(semispoiler: how hypnotic suggestions make psychosis) Time was fractalised by observing an event from the future, and preventing it from happening. This succeeded, and causality wasn’t violated. The universe split into repeatedly fracturing universes by order of causality from the events that conflicted, into completely new universes, each on—[1805 two conflicting results could coexist side by side in the same universe until their shared causality conflcited, and then a new recursively fractalising— (… and this made metaspacetime beings evolve 1805 1806 [experimentee holds all this in their mind and works with it meet basic goals. 1806