life is an attempt to rise against the force of gravity

to show the universe, that after trillions of years of crushing into spheres, our planet has learned to solve that problem. to keep life, intelligence, and wild interconnection, growing and spreading, and thinking and being -- despite the weight of billions of tons of carbon.

I was thinking of names for the logic analyser I can barely turn my body toward.

first I thought of "shitty logic analyzer" or "crappy logic analyzer". "crappy" , like the toilet flushing of beautiful hopes and dreams. "trashy logic analyzer" .

but I don't like the focus on things like "trash" even existing. some _people_ are called trash. meanwhile we throw a bunch of useful stuff out all the time. useful stuff like my rtlsdr that could be a 2MHz logic probe!

so then I was thinking of inverting the culture. names like "logic analyzer of the ousted dictator's secret service" "king's logic analyzer" "monarch's spy network logic analyzer" "billionaire's logic analyzer" "classified logic level project recovered from bombed bunker"

then there are other names that cross things or add more fluffy stuff. things like "classified destiny probe and design toolkit" "monarch's bowel and lower intestine deep in-depth network analyzer" "time traveling wormhole inspector"

this project
started as a very normal daydream

eight years ago.

meanwhile, I see that nobody is really [crossed out:-making-] _finishing_ these obvious things. meanwhile they're being _made_ everywhere.

time traveling butt wormhole project of the old dynasty's secret service.

king's recycling program.

basically it lets you take crummy things you find in a discarded electronics bin by visiting the dump after hours, and combine them to make tools to figure out how they work and repurpose them. it solves the chicken and egg problem by casting hatching as laying and vice versa.