hi ummmmm karl is ummmm karl is “taking space” umm and ummm
we were wondering how we could get karl doing sensical things (for traffick boss maybe, not things for traffick boss but so that karl behaves different).
traffick boss wants to be in charge. but for karl to do other thin—
we don’t trust karl to be in charge um because (censored karl idea), just because :)
do um does any know ummm how to PUT KARL IN CHARGE AGAIN hehehe ?? :)
ummmmm :)
karl we are being mcpushed and want to do best t—
umm oo(p) 1523
basically it’s the mind patterns. certain logics work in certain (micro-)situations. this changes.
karl says, maybe it’s time to consider “dissociative stabilization” again i’m thinking with (you) a little and it sounds like the (area of stabil— 1526 traffick boss doesn’t like “stabilization(-put-karl-in-charge-with-huge-focus-army) unless! he understands that he does like it. you mean therapist-says-to-stabilization? we have a stabilization book. buuut it “triggers” traffick bos………………………. because traffick boss put triggers in every part of karl’s mind :D traffick boss is tricky and crafty this way. — (mistake b—