On 02/21/2017 10:36 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
On 2/22/2017 11:42 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
I know reality - This swedish thing is just like the Emmett Till Lynching.
Emmett Till was not lynched. He was quietly and furtively murdered for hitting on someone else's wife.
For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly by high status people in front of a crowd.
Men are still today killed for hitting on someone else's woman. Happens all the time. Has nothing to do with race.
If Emmett Till is your lynching poster boy, you do not have any plausibly wrongful lynchings.
Emmett Till is a plausibly wrongful murder. But not a lynching.
Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it. The woman who accused Emmett Till of hitting on her recently admitted she fabricated the whole thing. The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real. You sound a lot like David Duke.