On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 13:38:47 -0400 Michael Best <themikebest@gmail.com> wrote:
For me, "national security" is anything a nation needs to prosper and survive, including national medical care, education, ensuring a healthy job market and that there's infrastructure for everyone to get food, water, information, and from place to place.
I thought the reference to 'natsec' was derogative. Silly me. You think all those wonderful things for the 'nation' should be done by the government mafia? I
generally don't talk about that part because I only understand it in the broadest terms, and the best I can do is try to listen to the experts in that field
ANd who are those experts...?
and people who are smarter than me. And then there's separating policy from politics...
I hope that helps clarify some. Sorry again for assuming that your question was insincere/attacking.
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