ugda big big y'know what's cool about weird experiences coming over one resulting in trolling the internet? nobody locks you in a hospital, or a jail, or a cold wet porch when you do it! my issue was hospitals until i managed the new intensities better -- 1830 anyway it's nice of you guys not to throw me in a hospital when i step into your space and start babbling nonsensically about scary things. [[private: i went to part of a conference recently and learned some people in hospitals get therapy. i haven't experienced that myself, but apparently it's a big thing. i don't know what makes it different, it could be a few things (area of country, what country, what hospital, who runs the hospital, what kind of treatment modality the hospital subscribes to, what i am diagnosed with, how i behave, what kind of documentation goes with me, possible presence of invisible coercive or psychological influence stuff, whether i have insurance, how much funding the hospital has vs number of clients ... i'm thinking that last one could be big) [there might be other "kinds" of hospitals, too] {{anyway, they studied people who got DBT in hospitals. how does that happen ?? what is going wrong in the world ??}} maybe i'll look it up a smidge 1833 [i've also heard/read people get EEGs in hospitals! never had that either] [i found a page from my geographic area (google spy software) that says DBT is usually an outpatient thing, but is occasionally inpatient in some places.] <<<<<<got a confusion [for reason[s]]>>>>>>