3 Oct
3 Oct
7:46 p.m.
On 10/03/2016 12:21 PM, xorcist@sigaint.org wrote:
Hell, even the homeless can be overweight and have ipods and shit.
They can have iPods but no shelter. How does this sound for you?
Oh, hey I get all that.
But the point is that a goodly number of people the world over would find being homeless in a first world country the proverbial "good life."
I suppose. If the 'good life' includes sleeping with a tire iron and a big knife to fend off predators of the human species. In SOME COUNTRIES the homeless may not get fat or have ipods but the odds of being attacked by an idiot kid of the gentry, or being lit up, is pretty slim. I say it's a trade off. Rr