On 10/14/2016 03:19 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 10/13/2016 07:50 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
He lost me when he started rambling on with his homespun automotive metaphors /way/ past the point where they became meaningless noise, referencing nothing.
But I kept reading anyway, until he REALLY lost me:
Agenda 21 demands, such as deregulating or removing the laws that have provided ethical guidance for foreign corporations in this country, have been responsible for the attitudes we see in our banking institutions, such as 'Can do' or 'We live in your world', when dealing with their clients, as recent inquiries have exposed, and are still being ignored by this government.
The gentleman apparently can't distinguish between Agenda 21 - a model charter for local sovereignty with regard to land use, resource extraction and commercial development - from the TPP, a binding treaty whose principal feature is the eradication of local sovereignty, as falsely attributed to Agenda 21 above.
Disinformation shops that push the belief that global warming is a hoax, also uniformly represent Agenda 21 as a conspiracy to establish a One World Government.
HAR Matey! THIS is Agenda21:
"We came to Henningsvaer. We saw the Skarbakk. We sank the bastard.”
“Norway announced an increased quota of Minke whales so we decided to increase our quota of sunken whalers.”
Time is Short: Twenty Years of Sabotage & Agenda 21 December 5, 2012 Deep Green Resistance News Service http://dgrnewsservice.org/resistance/strategy/time-is-short-twenty-years-of-... The OTHER “Agenda 21” is nothing more that a ploy to shift the natural ecosystem damage to the third world and extractive resource nations. Rr