On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 21:21:24 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 05:05:19AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
the bottom line here though is that the orange monkey calling for 0 or below 0 rates is a glaring example of economic insanity, INTERVENTIONISM and 'SOCIALISM'.
trump is a piece of socialist shit, exactly like you. To be more precise, right wing socialism, aka fascism. Transition from fascism to more fascism.
Fed is at cycle end, Trump has at most 4 years ahead, speeding up the end game is possibly wise, seems it could be wise
so how do you want me to treat you? As a completely-detached-from-reality person, aka insane, or as a lying piece of shit? note taken : you, like trump, want wallstreet to increase the rate of looting.
costs of being a pointless passthrough operation.
Again, let me underscore that the turd doesn't have a fucking clue. The LOWER the interest rate gets, the HIGHER govcorp 'profits' get.
except you are also speeding the end game for this round of fiat - its collapse
just like your twin turd 'grarpamp' you know exactly nothing about economics. The orange monkey whose cock you constantly suck is just increasing the profits of his wallstreet accomplices. And you are a little, despicable monkey supporter.
Of course, the trumpofascist turd is babbling this nonsense to try to gloss over the fact that the orange monkey is calling for more insane subsidies for his wall street cronies.
Trump is still alive, unlike JFK, and is holding the fort for us
why would a goldman-sachs monkey be killed? The monkey is fully doing his job. Printing money for wallstreet while being a fascist 'leader' for scum like you to worship.
if you drain the US cesspool, then all the turds die, just like fish would die if you drained the sea.
What kind of infinitely dishonest fucktard would pretend that the emperor turd of the cesspool would 'drain' his natural habitat and kill himself and all his cronies?
Your implied suggested by you many times "solution" ('drain' his natural habitat and kill himself and all his cronies), is 'ever so slightly' less than pragmatic.
don't change the subject, asshole. You are saying that your fascist leader is 'draining the swamp'. Explain why would he commit suicide.
All proposals for better approaches, however you can possibly conceive of such, are awaited by many rapt readers of this list.
it is self-evident that it's better to not be a trumpofascist like you, 'grarpamp', jim bell and all the rest of right wing retards who populate this 'cypherpunk' mailing list. Stop being a trumpofascist retard, THAT is a better approach. HEY, newsflash, this is a 'cypherpunk' mailing list and so the 'implied' politics here is rejection of govcorp 'authority', not an endless stream of trumpofascist-elon-musk advertising.