https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/lantern-one-device-free-data-from-space-f... Global access to the Internet’s best content on your mobile device. Anonymous. Uncensored. Free. Chicago, Illinois, United States Technology A Library In Every Pocket “The Short Wave Radio for the Digital Age.” -- Fast Company “A Tiny Satellite Dish That Brings Info to the World’s Deadzones.” -- Wired “Outernet aims to provide data to the net unconnected.” -- BBC "Billions of people around the world don't have access to the Internet, so the next big thing is trying to connect the world." -- CNN Lantern is an anonymous portable library that constantly receives free data from space. Like the water we drink or the air we breathe, the information we consume feeds the very essence of what it means to be human. Lantern establishes a new baseline of human knowledge. We are not fixing the world for people, we are giving them the information they need to fix it themselves. Lantern continuously receives radio waves broadcast by Outernet from space. Lantern turns the signal into digital files, like webpages, news articles, ebooks, videos, and music. Lantern can receive and store any type of digital file on its internal drive. To view the content stored in Lantern, turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot and connect to Lantern with any Wi-Fi enabled device. All you need is a browser. Oh, and Outernet is free to use, always. [...]