On 09/02/2016 05:51 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
individual sovereignty and anarchism
Try "individual RESPONSIBILITY to the 'collective' called humanity and Anarchism" and I'll nibble. Until then it's just Feudal Nihilism by different means. Ps. "New Left" is a DISGUSTING reference to everything that was wrong with the now-non-existent 'left' in the US. It was Reform towards Progressive-liberalism (spellchecker also notes a correction to "Oppresive-Liberalism"). A strategy and tactic-less'borging' of Radical activism by people with access to the media. Cf. The end result of Occupy with imperialist cunts like Dave "I support "anarchists" who collaborate with the CIA for a chunk of Private Property" Graeber Rr
The new dichotomy, Nationalism vs Globalism.
This is how the current USA election debate is now framed it seems, see for example:
Hillary’s ‘Racism’ Speech, And the Stunning Emergence of The New Left and Right "Old Lady Yells At Internet" "A titanic struggle between nationalism and globalism is playing out in the American elections" http://russia-insider.com/en/moment-reckoning-has-come-american-political-sc...
Left out of this debate of course are other genuine and alternative foundations such as a swing towards individual sovereignty and anarchism, which some name as direct democracy (perhaps a branch of the theory of anarchism/ anarchy/ political anarchy?).
The powers that be of course are pushing very aggressively for globalism - their One World Order or New World Order, of course with America at the helm and dictating the terms. But individual sovereignty seems to strike fear into the hearts of oligarchs and global power brokers, since they still frame the debate as a black and white dichotomy between globalism and nationalism - this is their preferred dichotomy, attempting to ensure that individual sovereignty, politically empowering the individual, does not get a look in on this debate.
We the disempowered, the non monied, will take nationalism over globalism, and "the elites" will take nationalism over individual sovereigntism.
So except that the American voting machines are controlled by the existing powers that be in America and institute an entirely corrupt outcome, with "everything overall touch and go for the results, who can say?" and a "key swing state" "just nudges Hillary over the line" (ever seen this sort of corruption before?) - aka the usual corruption of American elections, there's a real chance for nationalism to prevail in the disgraced olde Ewe Ess of America.
Unfortunately it seems the public consciousness is fully entrenched in dichotomies "gotta have a political party, and play the corrupt game, if we gonna get a different outcome".
Can these disempowering and unnecessary or "false" dichotomies be busted or changed somehow in the public dialogue?