30 Nov
30 Nov
9:44 p.m.
An idea sparked in Karl's head. "I know you don't work for an activist-murdering corporation with a prime goal of covering up and hiding atrocities, but maybe if I pretended you did we'd get along better." GovCorpGnome raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" "I wonder if everything I could ever want to do, could somehow be used to support such an organisation," Karl mindleslly blathered. GovCorpGnome responded positively. "I am quite sure this is true." "How would looking at what is on blockchains help such an organisation?" Karl pondered. GovCorpGnome was excited. "Oh this is easy! The things on blockchains are information on people who can be entrapped and otherwise manipulated or disreputed or both." "Is this helpful?" "Possibly?"