
From: brian carroll <electromagnetize@gmail.com> 'Spooky action' builds a wormhole between 'entangled' quantum particles http://phys.org/news/2013-12-spooky-action-wormhole-entangled-quantum.html
note: i must have it all wrong because would it not be possible to modify the spin of an entangled pair and have it influence the remote particle likewise. and thus, what need of wires or fiber to connect events, if a hybrid remote and on-site quatum processing were to take place. an ecological or ecosystem context of connectivity in & out of various structures via different forms of entanglement. what if 1,000 circuit boards shared a split particle and were sent to remote areas, yet one calculation effected the others and likewise, or perhaps 1,000 remotely-connected processing functions embedded in 100,000 onsite. in other words what if the processor were not discrete nor connected by means other than resonance or vibration (perhaps decibels indicates this as an acoustic measurement for light even). of course i have no idea what i am saying, though as list fool i must speak such nonsense.
"Spooky action" entanglement has been measured to operate at a velocity of at least 10,000 'c', where 'c' is the speed of light in a vacuum. (signals transmitted on optical fibers about 20 kilometers apart.) Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any way to employ this to transmit information. Jim Bell // feeling exhausted? sun magnetic poles may have reversed... [videos] Sun Reversal of its Magnetic Poles // via hh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0PbL-ErVas SUN ABOUT TO FLIP MAGNETIC POLES (description) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-haqLMAPEE8 MASSIVE Solar Burst./Sun's Pole Reversal. (esoteric) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrGtK2W72_o note: gravity bringing you down more than normal? feeling strange polarization in your day? perhaps it is the solar magnetic pole reversal! as with symptoms of daylight savings time on peoples routines and schedules, perhaps solar events effect the magnetic compass within the human body in some fundamental way. anecdote: once had an MRI, tone-based buzzing with intense Tesla electromagnets that map out the brain via spinning particles in brain for imaging, so a particular tone will occur and this shifting of direction within molecules or by particles themselves can be discerned, via polarization. cannot drink caffiene without now having similar effect, as if a remote satellite locked onto noggin, the molecular directionality discerned, like wearing an electromagnetic helmet with invisible wires into the noosphere. perhaps it is only feeling the wi-fi, though caffeine makes whatever that is apprehendable. now have a particular method of decaf coffee intake with controlled micro-caffeine dose as option for a controlled burn into slightly less out-of-focus tunnel vision. thus when realizing total exhaustion recently beyond normal levels, and feeling this drag on entire body as if having walked 1,000 miles tired, it was wondered if that too could be related to a magnetic reversal impacting nervous system subsystem, some perhaps more sensitive to these effects. such as the electrically sensitive who can tell when a new satellite is switched on in orbit, or for those who tend to short-out streetlights when walking by. electromagnetism for thought. // what if dyslexia has something to teach about language structures // logical reasoning as tuning into truth, its harmonization vs. distonia Dyslexia's roots traced to bad brain connections http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24705-dyslexias-roots-traced-to-bad-br... [quote] The authors claim these findings add to the growing recognition of dyslexia as a "disconnection syndrome". "What we're learning from functional imaging is that it's not enough to talk about brain areas; you're always dealing with a network, and when you've got a network you've got patterns of connectivity," says Scott. "So is there some way you could restructure that network that might be beneficial?" [unquote] proposed water tap turnoff @ NSA Utah Data Center // via drudgereport http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/12/03/some-nsa-opponents-want-to-nu... Signalers vs. strong silent types: Sparrows exude personalities during fights http://phys.org/news/2013-12-strong-silent-sparrows-exude-personalities.html [quote] "There is a growing realization in the field that factoring in personality variables will help solve many thorny problems in animal behavior, such as do animals signal honestly," said Michael Beecher, co-author and a UW professor of psychology and biology. In other words, if a bird knew the personality of its opponent, it would have a better understanding of when to expect an attack..." [unquote] Resident Visitor: Laurie Spiegel's Machine Music The experimental pioneer's groundbreaking work with computers in the 70s and 80s helped lay the foundation for many of today's electronic noise makers. http://pitchfork.com/features/articles/9002-laurie-spiegel/ HUMAN BODY RESONANCE FREQUENCIES... // via helenhall.net http://listentothisnoise.com/post/59772917907/whats-the-resonant-frequency-o... (note the external link to 'Power Standards Lab' titling this as fun stuff compared to shooting bullets into ballistic gelatin. another dimension to electronic warfare not yet discussed, how celltowers and other infrastructure can be used to deliver pain and agony via remote control) -- linked from Listen To This Noise... [audio] Seen but not Heard: contact microphones reveal hidden worlds http://soundslikenoise.org/2013/08/25/seen-but-not-heard-contact-microphones...
contact_microphones to record i n f r a s o u n d . . .
Contact microphones (overview) http://www.recording-microphones.co.uk/Contact-microphones.shtml [quote] The Contact microphone comes in a variety of guises and is also known as a transducer, a pickup or a piezo, and is a form of microphone specifically designed to pick up audio vibrations in solid objects. Normal studio mics are all built around the principle of detecting vibrations in the air but Contact mics are different in that they are designed to pickup surface vibrations. This means that if you taped one to a wooden board and then stood infront of it and sang. the chances are it wouldn’t pick anything up. But tap, scrape, or in some way touch the board and even the softest vibrations will be picked up by the contact mic. [unquote] The first rule of CONTACT MIC club // ~practical info; matched preamp option http://www.musicofsound.co.nz/blog/the-first-rule-of-contact-mic-club Get Better Sound from Piezo Mics & Pickups http://suite101.com/a/get-better-sound-from-piezo-mics-and-pickups-a72764 A Comprehensive Guide To Contact Microphones/Piezos http://enhanced-reality.net/music/a-comprehensive-guide-to-contact-microphon... [quote] PVDF don’t have self-resonance because they don’t have a metal disc, and they’re flexible, so you can attach them to a curved surface (use epoxy or silicone), and they’re more robust, piezo discs are rather brittle. [unquote] ex. rubber coated piezo (missing image link above) http://www.amazon.com/Ridgeview-Audio-MDK-H-Harp-Pickup/dp/images/B006ZF6W24 [audio] ex. doors, pipes & sinks, hard drives, wind, small servos http://gamesounddesign.com/Contact-Microphones.html note: i have a drum trigger for a MIDI connection though the traditional piezo is held within a plastic case separating it from the external surface so only a significant force will trigger it. in contrast, a device such as the Korg CM-200 Clip-On contact microphone (below) is in more direct contact with the surface, thus more likely to sense the resonating/vibrating surface, in this case on a music instrument though presumably could be used elsewise. Korg CM-200 http://www.korg.com/cm200 note: thus, either with a mixer preamp and-or-else a digital recorder the contact mic could be used in lieu of an acoustic cardoid/etc microphone registering signal out of air pressure. this is a piezo disk transducer, whereas the following is an example of shielded PVDF options... ex: Fluoropolymer Piezo Film Tab Contact Microphone (PVDF) http://contactmicrophones.com/index.html http://contactmicrophones.com/products-lft.html Hertzian Tales Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design Anthony Dunne, The MIT Press (PDF link. 1999/2005 edition) http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbscw.wineme.fb5.uni-siegen.de%2Fpub%2Fbscw.cgi%2Fd807744%2F__Hertzian_Tales__Electronic_Products__Aesthetic_Experience__and_Critical_Design.pdf&ei=WdOeUrCBJou0kAeS54CABw&usg=AFQjCNE2DwbM873vh22tPfgTUDLHNOj_lQ&sig2=hXrRdswBAslc5TLQUF7xnA 1 the electronic as post-optimal object 1 2 (in)human factors 21 3 para-functionality: the aesthetics of use 43 4 psychosocial narratives 69 5 real fiction 83 6 hertzian space 101 7 hertzian tales and sublime gadgets 123 conclusion 147 notes 149 bibliography 155 illustration credits 165 index 171 RF-Safe Stop electromagnetic pulse to stop vehicles // via drudgereport http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2518177/End-high-speed-car-ch... --- on organization --- in earlier days thought the computer OS would help organize life, yet the filing cabinet approach remains a junk drawer approach scaled up to the internet worldwide, existing as a global networked junk drawer. attempts to develop a system have been delayed (AMS) though as part of this, an organizational approach to offline data (paper and things) was realized via a consistent, modular approach to storage, such that everything now has its place and is manageable, contained as it were, as part of a ecosystem-like relation between stuff. my interest in organizing information (concepts,ideas) also exists in environment, feel much better when everything is put away or space maximized and storable versus cluttered. so space-savings, maximizing use of space, easy or improved maintenance, easier to find, etc. {my computer just crashed again due to a hack from cypherpunks thus lost paragraph written} though this particular approach to storage via Really Useful Boxes has transformed my life via organizing what would otherwise be in chaos, allowing stackable and nestable storage (boxes in boxes, boxes made for certain dimensional items, such as CDs or file folders) and also the unique foldable crates/containers that expand/contract as needed. also, tamper proof pins available. others may prefer other containers or other brands or approaches, though in my situation the Really Useful Boxes solved the organization and management situation and allow continual tweaking over time. manufacturer website... Really Useful Boxes Inc. http://www.reallyusefulproducts.co.uk/usa/index.php now if only storage could be connected with barcode inventories or bluetooth stickers and managed via the OS as part of an ecosystem approach (i.e. Asperger Management System). must note: a favorite organizational, stuff management & transport device is the gigantic Ikea foldable bags. they can help carry a large box or vast clothes, gear, or supplies and fold down to a small format that fits in a backpack or bag. excellent if needing to move lots of stuff fast. ^(quasi: offline organization influences approach to computer, online) other than this, right now, in analog mode with index cards and post-it notes instead of digital tools, still in paper realm of organization day to day, the role of the paper shredder still seems vital to any organizational approach, present to future, say managing scanned documents that are stored digitally and then either filed or shredded, given priority. such systems in contrast to doing nothing, tendency to have data collect as if layers of new dust, and paper multiplies week by week until unmanageable chaos, unless managing it. figuring it out via a systematic approach. and that is where offline/computer/online are mismatched, a huge gap between chaos of offline filing cabinet and computer and online cloud junk drawers and data model that has no empirical basis for knowledge or information. no 'shared truth' that is a relational structure. instead, urls and search. hunt and peck. where's that copy of the hospital bill again? maybe the great synchrony is the gap that requires and relies upon the junk drawer and hoarding approach online, at OS level, and offline, due to the gap with ideas, the loss of concepts altogether within computing: "tools for thinking" absent as a worldview. --- on heartbreak and hope --- e-ink has been for me the great potential for a more 'idea-based' approach to display, such that larger format interfaces such as calendars or maps could feasibly become updateable and readable in a non-projected-light or blaring screen approach that scorches the eyeballs or loses readability in the sun or forces extreme fatigue in high-contrast viewing (screens when read at night in low light or for long periods of time, hours to days and weeks of interaction). an upgraded version of the Kindle DX was in my estimate the best change of finally having a tool or platform for sharing ideas, beyond the failure zone of email lists and blogs and social media sites, that 'ideas' and conceptualization both in a realm of scholarship and thinking, as this relates to discussion and feedback and debate, could be opened up by a tool that meets this realm of *advanced literacy* -- and yet instead, when the next-gen Paperwhite Kindle was announced, the large format DX had no such update and then was said by some Amazon representative to not be in further development, thus the only viable PDF reader at size of actual documents was left in an unlit condition, eventually removed from their website. this basically killed off my remaining hope in technological innovation because it forced any such publishing platform that could develop for ideas into a constricted zone of haikus only and penguin classics small-book formats, great for reading on a bus, bad for complex ideas and diagrams and visual and written communication combined, at a readable type size where formatting does not need to be pinched & zoomed repeatedly to move through information, and thus issues of formatting as it relates to standards, the web deteriorated into various formatting approaches, canned 'big box' solutions, monoculture, deafening sameness that adds up to nothing more than the part. when i considered the Kindle DX as a platform it seems ideal for fishing and topo maps, for documents yet also calendar like scheduling, day planning, etc. though in years of thinking about it (and never yet using the device), one day it dawned on me the missing functionality was the very attribute that originally seemed the greatest feature: free 3G connectivity to Wikipedia. this is one of those issues for a person like myself who grew up without an encyclopedia within the home, yet had a yearning fascination with information yet no access. as it remains today in many ways, sans cellphone, though having ready access to an online reference work could then open up questioning and the imagination to further considerations instead of stopping or limiting next steps in thinking. this is equivalent to the advice 'if you do know what a word means look it up in the dictionary' as a life practice, to improving literacy, yet at the larger connected realm of ideas in their expanded explanation and description, integral conceptualization. and thus in reverse, the idea arose that wouldn't it be ideal if the Kindle DX was a _writing platform as well as just reading. not simply writing a computer, but also, at the e-ink device via touchscreen or other interface (handwriting, diagramming). a related concept i have described as 'fractal reading/writing' is in some ways connected to this ability to write in categories versus long-strings of conventional descriptive language, more like programming or code for structures of concepts, as if molecular entities. going into a concept, not just across it, via language. modeling the ideas, concepts, structural 'forms', where scaffolding may exist as substructures hidden or not in given views (xml, tags, etc) the realization then that if every Kindle shipped with wiki software that would allow people to write these structures and link them together in a new public zone of the internet that is based upon ideas and concepts and their organization. a public realm like cafe society where debates and discussions could occur, conceptualization beyond boundaries of websites or separated blogs, and into the structures themselves, that would move from individual POVs in relativistic frames, grounded or not, into a larger empirical structure, if mediated this way, organized, managed, maintained, say by public discourse, debate, challenging of hypotheses. this, tools for thinking and tools for developing literacy, to battle the engrained ignorance that one-way media and vested opinions together establish, especially when separated and left unchallenged or untested beyond a comfortable isolation. what if tools could reestablish or allow a public zone or square or environment where today none actually exists. and what if it is wiki and e-readers and those who use these for scholarship and exchanging ideas, and thus various platforms and vendors could exist and participate, allow access and interface, yet also it would involve those with knowledge of particular domains to develop and model them, and potentially transform existing conceptions of what a field or discipline actually is, in contrast to the outdated or detached academic models that may limit what is approved. being someone who is intrigued by innovative technological tools with purpose, it was completely devastating when Amazon dropped support for the larger format DX. i lost faith in Bezos vision because it at once manages a future of books while removing the larger purpose of ideas and concept development they involve, making it a read-only scenario with Kindles versus a read-and-write platform for those developing ideas, the people who are creating the documents, so they can review their own work at scale, away from the PC screen and read others ideas likewise, beyond its domination over context and interpretation, via distraction and requirement of multitasking with an OS or other device with demands. thus the [concept] + [concept] = [concept] / [concept] approach that wikis allow could be a new way of 'writing' that is non-linear and fractal, going into other networked data structures or particular versions, to create various models of ideas and concepts and new organizations or a worldview, new interface to online information that could be developed that is integrated into a single model, and data could be attached to this, instead of having individual branded websites reinventing the wheel, they could be data structures instead with basic facts and details. certainly would deal with information anxiety issues at every level, from finding out info in a Wolfram-like computational approach, to the phone-book aspect of just wanting the facts without the 1mb download of advertising banner ads and all the tracking data to locate an address, etc. and then it could be visualized atop that via the various approaches, instead of tied down into static rendered css/xml sites as UI/display. there is no reason this wiki-approach could not exist on tablets and cellphones likewise, (in the sense of 'tools for thinking') though it is this issue related to readability adn those who are writers or thinkers or scholars or communicator/conveyors, debaters of ideas, etc, that in reading or considering ideas, the issues of the screen and its biasing does influence what is read, how it is read, and within what parameters (in browser, often with animations running or OS notifications, or various errors) versus a device purpose-made for easy readability and reading, the pleasure of textual communication, even into embedded visuals/diagrams, versus the hassle that is email or all the formatted bureaucracy blogs require to upkeep while limiting reference or url-rot or whatever. versus having data stored as documents in a library within a device -or- accessible as a structure, as with a wiki-structure of networked data models, that could become a new realm of the internet, expanding further than wikipedia yet still accessible. another variant like gopher or mailing lists, yet more permanent, like earlier days of (lynx-like) Yahoo categorization yet public, developed as areas of integrated knowledge and areas of debate and discussion, not limited to the outdated worldviews held within and requiring censorship to control and discourage feedback, within institutions. thus, the opportunity for Galilean/Copernicun remodeling and working-through such conditions rather than avoiding or voiding such thinking, makign the internet read-only for ideas in terms of public discourse, debate, ideas, "books", knowledge, "culture", thinking, etc. i.e. beyond overly-limiting corporate or institutional or private control over shared reality. so Amazon dropped out, and Sony went conceptual and introduced a fascinating upgrade to their e-ink future with a prototype now deploying for testing in Japan. see the video: 13.3-inch Sony tablet // the future... http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57585367-1/13.3-inch-sony-tablet-is-like... so this is not just an e-reader, it is described as a 'digital notepad' and 'digital paper', perhaps tending toward the concept of a clipboard functionality for this kind of device, where it could be used for formwork, charting, census, notes and writing, scheduling, etc. and likely would be much more usable than a tablet (including large sized) due to weight, battery life, readability, and better functionality with dedicated or programmable task buttons that are not needing to relate to MP3 and videos, other non-relevant apps or adds-on (everything!) it is also mentioned is focused on Universities, so it has an inherent educational purpose, (potentially: tool for thinking) and is currently in trials in Japan from what i last read. and a price of approximately 1k USD was recently mentioned, which is also interesting, in that it makes it impracticle for most citizens unless a niche or supported project. this must have freaked out Amazon and reawoken their Kindle DX program because the device has since reappeared on their website, and for a heavily discounted price (169 USD, when previously in the 379 USD range). it was a closeout special before, yet reintroduced, it is a reactivation of a forfeited category, something that was said officially a dead-end, and to me was a betrayal of ideas and the Kindle as a publishing platform, thus the heartbreak that the soul of books have become only about the money made from them, not the continuance of ideas they contain and culture they develop and sustain. yet, along with quadrocopters, suddenly Amazon and Bezos are back in the realm of critical relevance in this same context by what is potentially a vital reversal, hopefully and likely indicating a renewed interest in the large-format e-ink reader as future data management, organization, communication devices. it was difficult for a person like me, heavily vested in strange ideas requiring a platform for their public exchange, to be removed as a possibility. it was preface to extinction for the very relevance of thought within networked media, to have the literacy device disappear, taken over by more jukeboxes with electronic money-slots required for each & every interaction. it is potentially heartening that Amazon is responding to innovation from Sony, realizes the potential and need, and will bring paperwhite-like illumination to a large format e-reader, a next generation Kindle DX, hopefully others like Sony will also. presumably there was not a viable enough market or need or the timing was not right for such a next stage, in terms of corporate-interest, before now. yet i think it always existing though is not voiced, yet it is the vital core of the culture and internet that would use such devices, especially those who think and organize and share and debate their thoughts. perhaps a next generation larger format DX device would have been too expensive with older e-ink screens, until the Sony approach. and thus would not sell enough to justify the investment needed. whatever the case, the latest ongoing pricepoint for the existing DX indicates a next generation Kindle DX could be in the works if not using the same E Ink Mobius screen as the Sony digital notepad, potentially or eventually. thus it would not suprise if the next DX is somewhere between the existing and last launched pricepoint, instead of further towards the 1K USD that is breaking new ground for a prefered display for written, diagrammatic, textual, modeled information, organization, and management that tends more towards the library than file cabinet turning into a data junk drawer approach. likewise, another such device for construction documents.... (logistics, networked data management) PocketBook CAD Reader // Fina screen http://archinect.com/news/article/87978707/e-ink-introduces-display-and-new-... [video] Pocketbook CAD Reader Debuts in New Commercial http://goodereader.com/blog/electronic-readers/pocketbook-cad-reader-debuts-... note on kindle dx, autocad device, sony large-format!!, killer-app missing: wikis. new www space (structured info) could be created using it and other software as shared web-platform. ii.e. writing as wiki, wiki as approach to writing, not serial strings, deep structural concepts. [concept] [concept] + [concept] diagrammatic approach to communication (fractal r/w) {educational fair-use of copyright, 2013} Caligula, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Spartacus