— https://matrix.to/#/!orFwLtOAmHWlvoSoQn%3Athe-apothecary.club/%24-ycKgj8lLmW... make up the weirdest but still believable tech problem must not be something that happened social ai mind controls hacker to compromise boss of its own corporation so as to maximize attention during legal proceedings to turn it off mmm, believability factor is low on that one more likely to have happened than believable maybe true There are too many waterbears on satellites plugging in headphones causes ubereats to order and deliver me a pizza completely automatically and without any notification i would go for “oplaying certain frequencies of sound makes computer reboot” but that happened [quirks of power draw] i’ve had a lot of super weird problems associated with amnesia :/ like bash sometimes leaving things out of my typing history that happen at certain times and resonate with behavior of people online. i think in situations of for example system compromise there can be very weird things because of attempt to prevent identification of them. for example one system where a hacker noticed me observing them had ptrace disabled in the kernel with no detectable cause a real instance ive seen is that some software's unit tests would fail if it was running between 0:00am and 0:01 am another weird thing is i had network card firmware that would always tell the bios to boot off the network before the hard disk, no matter the bios settings trying hard but can't think of one because everything is real 😆 yeah the real things are already unbelievable once when targeted my car’s brakes and lights were disabled although it ran otherwise i was trapped physically and decided to drive without brakes and lights once i got going they turned on again i think schneier held such a competition! https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/04/third_annual_mo.html