---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io>
Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 4:00 AM
Subject: Re: Your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Request FOIL-2024-097305-022021
To: <Idel.Lendoff@dfs.ny.gov>, <letitia.james@ag.ny.gov>
Cc: JeanBaptiste, Pascale (DFS) <Pascale.JeanBaptiste@dfs.ny.gov>, <cypherpunks@cpunks.org>, Reader, Shaun <sreader@curtis.com>, Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <Adrienne.Harris@dfs.ny.gov>, Paasewe, Siaka (DHR) <Siaka.Paasewe@dhr.ny.gov>

Madam Attorney General:

Kindly following up.

Have a nice day.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
xNY.io - Bank.org 

On Tue, Apr 16, 2024, 4:11 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Dear Madam Attorney General:

xNY.io - Bank.org today contacts your esteemed office seeking to engage New York State's False Claims Act under urgent pretences. 

Attorney General James, xNY.io - Bank.org contacted NY-DHR to assess if they have any records of NY-DFS Superintendent recusal records mentioned by New York Magazine (below). NY-DHR has responded that they have no NY-DFS Superintendent recusal records. 

As a matter of risk arbitrage, xNY.io - Bank.org is not in a position to placate any obstruction by NY-DFS on such important matters as our rights as New Yorkers. 

For these obvious reasons,  xNY.io - Bank.org seeks the Attorney General's blessing to engage New York State's False Claims Act to mitigate any undue losses to New Yorkers given conflicts of interest in virtual currency marketes, including overall pure financial innovation across New York State.

The very best with regards,


Gunnar Larson 

xNY.io | Bank.org

MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)



New York, New York 10001 

On Sat, Apr 13, 2024, 8:08 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Dear Idel Lendoff:

NY-DFS has delayed answering if there are any Superintendent recusal records mentioned by New York Magazine several times. 

xNY.io - Bank.org today kindly petitions New York State Department of Financial Services' esteemed action against any worry of public corruption concerning recusal records of the current Superintendent. 

Given the history of NY-DFS Superintendent durability, especially given the previous NY-DFS Superintendent, it would seem that New York Magazine's mention of NY-DFS Superintendent recusals is evidently prudent for follow-up by xNY.io - Bank.org.

Being clear, it was not xNY.io - Bank.org who first mentioned NY-DFS Superintendent recusals, it was New York Magazine. 

NY-DFS' latest response of delaying response of any recusal records until May 10, 2024 sparks further worry of public corruption (similar to that of Superintendent Lacewell). 

Simply, can NY-DFS answer if there are any Superintendent recusal records by 5:00pm Monday April 15, 2024? After Monday, we will need to confirm with New York Magazine if their reporting is correct.

We cannot assume these recusal records away. 

Warm regards,


2024-097305: 3/11/24: Dear Madam or Sir: On March 30, 2022 New York Magazine published a profile of NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris titled "Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator Is Here Adrienne Harris, New York’s financial watchdog, has enormous sway over the industry’s future" (https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/adrienne-harris-is-cryptos-most-powerful-regulator.html). The profile of Superintendent Harris quotes "... that she would recuse herself from any dealings with companies she has conflicts with." xNY.io - Bank.org seeks access to any and all records specific to Superintendent Harris' recusal(s) as of February 1, 2024. Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar Larson xNY.io | Bank.org MSc - Digital Currency MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-917-580-8053 New York, New York 10001

Gunnar Larson 

xNY.io | Bank.org

MSc - Digital Currency 
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)



New York, New York 10001 

On Thu, Apr 11, 2024, 2:53 PM <Idel.Lendoff@dfs.ny.gov> wrote:
Good afternoon,

Attached please find correspondence from the NYS Department of Financial Services, pertaining to your FOIL request.


Thank you.

Tracking Number:FOIL-2024-097305-022021