On 7/30/22, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
it's about time for china to liberate taiwan from the western jewnazis.
Then Juan will help the chinese and taiwanese people liberate themselves from the chinese government and the fist of Xi, right?
Ok so Juan just failed to walk any of his talk to help those peoples.
speak against 'foreign governments'
But ok, maybe those peoples are too "foreign" and intangible for Juan, so let's let Juan speak freely here about and expose his own "local government" and military cops, the one that literally rules over him in Argentina, namely formerly his ex-femdom Cristina, his buddy Macri, and now his Most Excellent Alberto, and his amazing Con-Gress, all the way down into the republic provinces of his local government rulers, how they support his favorite "jewnazis" as he calls them by funneling money stolen from the AR peoples to prop up his fave GovMilCorps like US Lockheed, how his colonialist AR does not free Sandwich and Georgia, to his Govt fiat inflation and more... what does Juan say?... Picture: Lockheed Martin A-4AR Fightinghawk operated by the Argentine Air Force
Feel free to explain why I would love a jewnazi thing like pelosi...
Remove the chastity muzzle she has on you, then tell us yourself ;)