On 2/27/19, Ivan Ivanov <cryptopro@abv.bg> wrote:
Do you think that DEX is good alternative of the centralized ones?
Obviously if true. Yet most all advertisers of DEX are really selling a fine grade of non-DEX snakeoil. In which case even an anon exchange would be better for some use cases. Go open source one of those on the darknets too.
problems liquidity
A market is a market. Use it as fit or cry to your government.
user experience
If it doesn't compile on OpenBSD / FreeBSD / Linux, it's a shitty experience alright.
The code is open source
I have some friends
KGB? Bankers? Yet Another Token Offerers?
building a DEX
Where is the whitepaper? Because...
You could check their platform here: https://weidex.market/exchange Keep you privacy and digital identity save!
Whatever site that is, it demands CloudFlare via Tor, both of which as you know is a CIA Anti-Privacy Op, so nobody is going to or can visit it even slightly "privately" or "anon identity" or "safely" as you say. At least until CloudFlare is removed.
I would be always happy to discuss anything regarding blockchain and DEXes.
Those regards get linkposted here all the time, no one replies.