On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 06:05:47PM +0200, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
I have a rough outline for a "cloud computing grid" that verifiably:
* Exists on many hardware nodes that can be run by untrusted third parties, as the hardware is "tamper evident" and the "cloud computing grid" is self healing and distributing. * Can run programs in a way that geographic location is unknowable - Onion routing, amongst other features, causes programs to seemingly run on every node in the network * Cannot inspect what runs on it - the microkernel programs cannot read what the programs are doing, nor can programs contact one another unless they are instances (that potentially run on another hardware node). * Is fault tolerant, automatically scaling, etc. * Can still be addressed from the Internet or other networks
You could run something like your Bitcoin wallet in it. It's really geodistributed, automatically fault tolerant, etc. There's no way to tamper with the programs running, except as specified before a cluster was created.
Right now you're always stuck with an insane amount of local law, hardware issues (and features), fault tolerance, accessibility, etc.
With this you could run a program in a nigh-perfect vacuum. Your program would be networked, but not in any specific place. Nobody can know what it does, but it can compute and it can communicate as it wishes. Depending on the grid (grids have to be manifactured in one go, checked by several third parties, distributed, set and forget) there's some pricing scheme or whatnot.
But it absolutely requires a verified microkernel. I'm *very *excited to see that we're making progress towards it.
If you're a secure kernel developer, Onion routing expert, fantastic C coder or technology investor, and this triggered your interests, please contact me!
I would be very interested in contract work for running Linux on L4 microkernels. You can see my experience here https://lkml.org/lkml/1999/3/7/59 But if you give me the code, and I can emulate the hardware with qemu, I can extract keys/code/whatever from anything running inside the 'secure' microkernel. If you want the 'tamper evident' hardware it must be open-source hardware and you will need on the order of at least a million USD to fabricate the silicon, and then another million to offer cash prizes at DEFCON for anyone that can hack the silicon & microkernel. So if you can secure 2 to 10 million, let's get it done. Otherwise talking about the theory of a formal-methods 'microkernel' running on today's buggy broken pre-trojaned hardware is unethical and dangerous. Do you know what your network card firmware is doing? Neither do I, but I bet the NSA and Chinese intelligence will have updates for you when the 'secure' kernel comes out. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troy Benjegerdes 'da hozer' hozer@hozed.org 7 elements earth::water::air::fire::mind::spirit::soul grid.coop Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel, nor try buy a hacker who makes money by the megahash