A zombie borg concentration camp officer holds an innocent independent journalist underwater, their spleen hanging out.  They have wires into their muscles and brain, and are interrogating them via torture.

Officer: "So, you want to build a lock for your front door."

 Independent journalist, automatically translated by a computer from spasms of intense suffering: "Yes!  Aren't  locks so cool?  I think I can make one that takes twice as long to pick!"

 Officer: "Tell me, why do you want to lock your front door?"

 The zombie concentration camp presses a button and the independent journalist's body spasms wildly.

Independent journalist's automatic translation: "?  To keep people from breaking in?"

 Officer: "The people around us don't trust us, do they?  We have a lot of things to hide?"

The officer presses the button again.  Large bubbles somehow rise from a convulsing body disgorging blood into its surrounding fluid, and the container shakes violently.

Independent journalist's automatic translation: "One moment, I am in severe need of managing some injuries."

Zombie officer: "Take your time."

A minute or so passes.

Borg worker: "So, you claim you are a journalist, but you spend time trying to lock your door?"