So if we're going to have a /. like QnA with Snowden, we first need to consider which questions, and follow up questions, would be worth asking Snowden. If folks are interested, it will happen. So here's a few to get the ball rolling: - you, your life, your upbringing, your views - how these have changed over time - your opinions on the world $TODAY - if you could snap your fingers and have technology X, what would that/they be? - how do you suggest we re-claim our lost freedoms - are you just a massive counter-revolutionary psy-op? - why did you put so much trust into the lame stream media? - why did you fail on fronts A, B and C and result in such lame/ ineffectual data releases? - how well do you think you were played by the deep state? - is there anything you failed to put into your memoirs which you should have included? - has your book been wildly successful financially? - since your plan bombed so badly, what suggestions do you have to future leakers, so they don't eff it up so badly? - are you shacked up with a gorgeous Russian mafia chickadeero yet? - Why is Russia so awesome? - does Putin really ride bears in the Russian wilderness? - are you running a Tor exit node? Can I drop box to you the greatest leak of all time? - are you planning on actually doing something useful with your life? - are you a programmer? - what's your cypherpunks nick? - if you don't have one, why the hell not?!@##!? Someone with a bit of empathy (certainly not this muffa) for the guy might write up a couple sentences of acknowledgement (say for the confront he has likely faced in the stand he appears to have taken (however misguidedly)). Perhaps keep some comedy questions so it's light hearted, as well as actual burning "I really want to hear his answer on this" type questions. Create your world, On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 02:16:02PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 11:57:25PM -0300, Punk - Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Wed, 30 Oct 2019 02:26:33 +0000 coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Monday, October 28, 2019 9:54 PM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
Unless a Snowden-like WB comes forward its quite unlikely to have internal documents admitting their limits. However, there are a number of relatively recent academic papers that look at this battle of limits from a jamming and other perspectives.
the least recommended method, but effective for certain!
snowden didn't provide any useful information. Furthermore he has provided fucking patheric lies about tor - no doubt scum-master paul syverson and accomplices are happy.
Dear Stasi 2.0,
given Snowden's chosen exile in the modern Gulag 2.0, aka the world's <sinister musak> most evil villians Russia </>,
and having just finished having his memoirs hard core promoted by the USA deep state ("oh no, must ban! must not publish this!"),
we can be reasonably confident that the man known as Snowden likely now has sufficient quantities of time on his hands to engage in a meaningful discussion, question and consideration or three.
If your will is sufficient then no doubt you shall bring this to pass - and for bonus points, engage (at least CC) the discussion here on this here venerable and austere conservative values mailing list, cypherpunks.
We await ...