I will try to keep my post as easy to digest as possible, but this is a lot of information that actually stems back to cpunks and the help of a very based anon. 1. Pre-August 2017 - /pol/ anon makes post warning other anons about the implications of the User-Activated Soft Fork on Bitcoin's blockchain. This User-Activated Soft Fork activates software called Segregated Witness, a "scaling solution" funded by a company called Blockstream, who happens to be funded by venture capital groups. This "network upgrade" initiates on August 8th 2017, and if all the miners do not follow the abundance of nodes on the network, a chain split results, which looks terrible for Bitcoin. Because of this, and previous arrangements that will benefit the miners later on, Segwit is activated. Right before activation, Roger Ver states that he does not agree with what SegWit claims to do for Bitcoin, and in turn hard forks the network in order to preserve Bitcoin's ecosystem before this radical upgrade took place. WHAT IS SEGWIT? Segregated Witness is a software upgrade that forces every-day users such as you and I off of the main blockchain. It does this using a fee-based "solution". Fees to broadcast to the main blockchain are raised x1000, going from less than $1 to $1000 EOY 2018. Instead, average users will go through Side-Chains - a patented software that allows banks to control their own centralized blockchains, this means that they choose the transactions that will and will not be allowed to be broadcasted to the main blockchain, while you as an individual must pay them a fee to even use the sidechains. This means that banks have control over who can and cannot send money, something that was previously not possible with Bitcoin. 2. Post-August 2017 Roger Ver splits the Bitcoin blockchain with his hardfork, resulting in a new Bitcoin offspring named "Bitcoin Cash (BCH)" - Bitcoin Cash follows the original roadmap laid out by Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, while Bitcoin (BTC) is now a science project of Bitcoin Core and Blockstream. Nothing is too bad on 4chan, a lot of people talking shit about Bitcoin Cash, but from my perspective it seems to be pure ignorance rather than any actual shilling. WHAT IS BITCOIN CASH? Bitcoin Cash is the original idea of Bitcoin, laid out by the creator of Bitcoin, and using solutions that Satoshi Nakamoto explicitly states exist for the future of the currency. These solutions allow for Bitcoin to scale according to the amount of users on the network, without the high-fee-based scalability model. This means that regardless of whether you are rich or poor, if you have Bitcoin Cash (BCH) you can broadcast your transaction to the blockchain for close to nothing. Censorship-resistant money. 3. Bitcoin Cash Gains A Foothold As Bitcoin's (BTC) fees grow in price, less people begin to use it, the promise of Lightning Network and Sidechains are still being worked on, according to Core and Blockstream, but as of now, there is no immediate solution to these people. Raising the blocksize past 1MB is not possible. In turn, many businesses begin to drop Bitcoin, some turning to Bitcoin Cash, which results in newfound confidence and a new floor @ $1000 USD. At this point, 4chan begins to see many people shilling against Bitcoin Cash and either attempting to point people's attention toward alt-coins as the successor to Bitcoin, rather than Bitcoin Cash, which shares the same Genesis Block with Bitcoin. WHAT COINS ARE BEING SHILLED? With the failure of BTC being just around the corner, shills see this as an opportunity to begin their attack. They choose very specific coins for a VERY specific reason. Ethereum and Litecoin are the main alts being shilled. WHY ETHEREUM? Ethereum Enterprise Alliance - search it. WHY LITECOIN? Litecoin, created by Charlie Lee, is a fork of Bitcoin created in or around 2013. What is so special about Litecoin? Nothing anymore. The most notable feature though, would be Segregated Witness, which was activated on Litecoin FAR before it was activated on Bitcoin. Since Segwit is software owned by Blockstream, if the majority of Bitcoin's market cap were to flow into Litecoin, banks would have won regardless of whether BTC dies or not. Either way both have Segwit activated, so Blockstream and banks win. 4. Bitcoin Cash Begins to Suck the Life Out of Bitcoin As of Nov 15th 2017, Bitcoin Cash has begun to absorb Bitcoin's market dominance at a rapid rate, swinging between .1 and .3 Satoshi in comparison to BTC. Eventually Bitcoin Cash is projected to be at a 1:1 ratio with BTC, and afterwards will kill BTC completely, as they both work using the same hardware and mining algorithms. Bitcoin Cash has some added features including an adjusted DAA that stop miners from being able to kill the network by making it to expensive to mine at a loss when hashpower is removed. In other words, Bitcoin Cash's blockchain is a lot stronger and more resistant to the chain-death spiral that could completely (and will) kill Bitcoin. 5. Coinbrase adds Bitcoin Cash As of Dec 20th 2017, Coinbrase announces that it will add Bitcoin Cash as a USD pair, shaking confidence in BTC and bringing the market down for a short period of time. Due to not enough liquidity, the price of Bitcoin Cash shoots from $4000 USD to $9000 USD within 6 minutes, and coinbrase disables trading, as they do not believe the price is healthy and may be manipulated. WHY IS ANY OF THIS IMPORTANT? As Bitcoin Cash has grown, BTC has began to die, which ultimately was the plan of banks anyway, they never wanted Bitcoin to work. They want to kill it or control it, now they have a big issue to deal with. POINT? Anyone calling Bitcoin Cash "Bcash" is doing so in an attempt at shifting the narrative and pulling Bitcoin Cash away from the "Bitcoin" name.