Art Director/Designer: Timothy Bent Copywriter: Peter Nord
Agency: Solow/Wexton, Inc.
Client: International Ladies Garment Workers Union
The walk to the Registrar's Office was the easy part.
The tough part was deciding to take
the walk. Jim Dyous knew that out there
was a townful of people who didn't want
him to register; didn't want him to vote.
People who'd prevented him from register-
ing for 60 years. People who would, if they
could, make him sorry he took that walk.
He walked. He registered. He voted.
That's all there was to it.
You don't have Jim's problems. If
you're 21 you have the right to vote. And
you won't find people hanging around the
registration office letting you know that
they know what you're doing.
You don't have any excuses. If
you've registered you have the right to vote.
If you don't vote --- you get who's coming to you.
This message has been sponsored
by the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union --- who through their
union, and by their votes --- have won dig-
nity, fair wages and decent working con-
ditions. Join us.