Movie: What Is A Woman? Wikipedia: A woman is an adult female human. https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1532203292180332547 https://www.dailywire.com/videos/what-is-a-woman https://whatisawoman.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42ivIRd9N8E What Is A Woman If you want proof that #WhatIsAWoman is a devastating critique of gender ideology, look no further than the cyber attack to shut down our premiere. That won’t be the only trick the Left pulls to punish us. So be it. The film isn’t going anywhere. Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog Theocratic fascist, bestselling children’s author Joined June 2013 Tweets 61,095 Following 622 Followers 2,076,198 Likes 33 3,018 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Pinned Tweet Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog Jun 2 Ep. 1175 - ‘What Is A Woman’ Wins The Free Speech Battle open.spotify.com/episode/0gz… Ep. 1175 - 'What Is A Woman’ Wins The Free Speech Battle Listen to this episode from The Matt Walsh Show on Spotify. Today on the Matt Walsh Show, it was an epic battle for free speech at Twitter, as we posted our film What Is a Woman and got immediately... open.spotify.com 865 2,636 115 17,320 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 7m Remember to follow @MattWalshShow to get every episode of my podcast right here on Twitter 41 33 3 336 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 21m That covers most of it, but we also appreciate a nice pair of socks Elwë Singollo 🌷🧝🏻♀️ @Strangeland_Elf 25m Fathers Day promotional emails and ads alway seem to assume all dads like is grilling, alcohol, leather stuff(?), sports, and fishing. Show this thread 75 35 1 745 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 16m Most dads also have one specific historical era that they're obsessed with, so you can always buy books or other paraphernalia related to that period. For 72 percent of dads, it will be the Civil War or WW2. My historical obsession is a little bit niche as I am particularly… 80 17 4 391 Matt Walsh retweeted Colin Wright @SwipeWright 5h 1/ In 2020, California changed insurance language on double mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to "reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery. Normal breasts were reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects." 276 2,141 190 5,016 Show this thread Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 1h I tried my best to teach @imbrettcooper how to fish. She caught three absolute monsters so I'd say I succeeded. piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2fB0jT1J… Matt Walsh Goes Fishing with Brett Cooper @MattWalsh, who you may know from his hit documentary, "What Is A Woman?", and The Matt Walsh Show, joined me for this week's Off The Clock. After getting th... youtube.com 64 57 6 1,144 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 3h A year after its release, What Is A Woman is the number one streaming movie on Rotten Tomatoes 423 1,559 60 14,812 Matt Walsh retweeted Spencer Lindquist 🇺🇸 @SpencerLndqst 5h This weekend, I went to a controversial #Pride event in deep red Franklin TN, asked “What is a Woman?” – and promptly got booted out by security. (Thread, 1 of 11) 155 316 21 1,579 79,580 Show this thread Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 5h This pathetic coward @SC_Griffith has been threatening me and trying to endanger my family while having me blocked so I never saw any of it. I’ll find all of the relevant contact information for Brown University Administration and ensure that they are flooded with calls tomorrow… Chris Brunet @realChrisBrunet 6h 🚨NEW: @SC_Griffith, a PhD student at @BrownUniversity , has repeatedly threatened @MattWalshBlog' life. In today's substack I ask the obvious question: should @SC_Griffith be allowed to own a gun? karlstack.com/p/this-phd-stu… Show this thread 138 334 16 1,609 Matt Walsh retweeted Chris Brunet @realChrisBrunet 6h 🚨NEW: @SC_Griffith, a PhD student at @BrownUniversity , has repeatedly threatened @MattWalshBlog' life. In today's substack I ask the obvious question: should @SC_Griffith be allowed to own a gun? karlstack.com/p/this-phd-stu… This PhD student at Brown University keeps threatening to murder Matt Walsh Karlstack celebrates Pride month karlstack.com 287 420 42 1,366 Show this thread Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 7h We knew the film was explosive just based on how the focus group reacted to it 419 1,523 40 11,246 267,371 Matt Walsh retweeted Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson 8h Congrats @MattWalshBlog for your well -deserved receipt of this year's Streisand Effect Grand Prize. Daily Wire @realDailyWire 8h According to Rotten Tomatoes, @MattWalshBlog’s #WhatIsAWoman is currently the #1 streaming documentary - an entire year after its release. Show this thread 69 568 9 4,863 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 9h Nina, how is it disrespectful to insist that words have meaning? And why are you wasting all of this time tweeting around the issue instead of simply answering the question? What is a woman? Nina Turner @ninaturner 10h Matt, normal people tend to stay respectful and keep it moving. Constantly being obsessed with other people’s gender identity is weird behavior. You have your audience so fixated on LGBTQIA+ issues so they won’t fight a class war. 1,159 1,761 101 19,739 Matt Walsh retweeted Gabe Hitches @NowImGabe 13h Replying to @JackyHolyoake @angijones @elonmusk Well, whatever you “feminists” were doing wasn’t working. Female sports were going to disappear before my daughters even had a chance to try them. You should be praising @MattWalshBlog and the effectiveness of what he’s done in the midst of your long ineffective record. 58 183 12 1,698 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 11h What Is A Woman has been such a massive success that the Left can only resort to flooding the audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes with one star ratings from people who didn’t watch the film If you actually did watch it, make sure to go leave your review rottentomatoes.com/m/what_is… 4,008 4,931 354 37,704 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 13h Pronouns in bio 818 1,795 157 35,675 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 13h You’re right. The internet is a record. And that record will show that I’ve been speaking out consistently on this issue for at least eight or nine years, which is as long as I’ve had any kind of platform. I also dedicated a whole section of my first book to this issue. Jacky Holyoake @JackyHolyoake 17h Replying to @angijones @elonmusk Thankfully, the Internet is the record and it will show that @MattWalshBlog came on board very late in the day. He can claim all the credit he likes but the historic record is documented there. 325 448 14 5,876 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 13h 1) That’s not a definition 2) By that logic, anyone can be anything and no words have any meaning Nina Turner @ninaturner Jun 4 Replying to @Crt4Me @RonDeSantis If someone says they’re a woman, they’re a woman. Not a tough concept. 2,273 4,036 206 42,685 Matt Walsh retweeted Free @KaladinFree Jun 3 I really think if we ever regain sanity as a country and move past this era of lies, “What is a Woman” will go down as one of the most important documentaries ever created. Daily Wire @realDailyWire Jun 2 It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman? Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs. Show this thread 265 1,394 54 10,738 Matt Walsh retweeted Oilfield Rando @Oilfield_Rando Jun 3 Alright. Finally watched the whole thing. It’s hilarious. It’s thought provoking. It’s gut-wrenching. It’s infuriating. It’s galvanizing. I only hope that it’s effective. Just amazing, incredible work. Watch it ASAP if you haven’t. Daily Wire @realDailyWire Jun 2 It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman? Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs. Show this thread 112 807 12 5,630 Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog 23h Many such cases Ann Bauer @annbauerwriter Jun 4 Because I like @megynkelly I did as she asked. And here's the problem: This movie made me like @MattWalshBlog. 🥴 Huge cognitive dissonance over here...I still disagree w 98% of what he says, but he's very funny and a terrific storyteller. Dammit! I may have to follow him. 116 160 6 3,511 Load more