Dear Madam or Sir: xNY.io - Bank.org submitted our New York State Shelf Charter "notice of intent" on March 13, 2021 (below). From submitting xNY.io - Bank.org's original notice of intent to New York State, it has been an extreme joy and pleasure to correspond with NY-DFS' Bank Applications team. Through this process, xNY.io - Bank.org has noticed New York State's Shelf Charter rules have changed several times since our original notice of intent. Today xNY.io - Bank.org seeks access to Shelf Charter records from January 1, 2021 to August 22, 2024 that correspond to New York State's Shelf Charter rule changes. Additionally, we seek access to NY-DFS records concerning xNY.io - Bank.org's Shelf Charter dealings with the Department. Separately to seeking Shelf Charter rule change records, today xNY.io - Bank.org seeks access to NY-DFS policy records concerning the Department’s approach to: -Harassment and Discrimination Policies -Conflict of Interest Policy -Insider Trading Policy -Records Management Policy -Corporate Opportunity Policy Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar Larson xNY.io | Bank.org MSc - Digital Currency MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-917-580-8053 New York, New York 10001 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> Date: Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 2:32 PM Subject: Bank.org | SHELF CHARTER (Notice of Intent) To: Shah, Seema (DFS) <seema.shah@dfs.ny.gov>, <innovation@dfs.ny.gov> Cc: dfs.sm.DfsNext <DfsNext@dfs.ny.gov>, Joshua Plant <joshua@plantpr.com>, <VCLicenseQuestions@dfs.ny.gov>, Garvin, Sheila Y (DHR) < Sheila.Garvin@dhr.ny.gov>, Paasewe, Siaka (DHR) <Siaka.Paasewe@dhr.ny.gov> Honorable Madam Superintendent: Bank.org submits notice of intent to begin preliminary conversations with your office to earn your Shelf Charter designation approval. - Please notice the attached correspondence made to your attention. Additionally, the memo can be reviewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d1WU0ScurhEXwNm1YY-e2bPS6CDZK6nJt-ue0PXk... We will contact Ms. Seema Shah's office on Monday 15 March with hopes of scheduling Bank.org's first series of discussions on the Superintendent's Shelf Charter consideration. With great appreciation, Gunnar Larson -- *Gunnar Larson - xNY.io <http://www.xNY.io> | Bank.org <http://Bank.org>* MSc <https://www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain/msc-digital-currency/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=MSc-Digital-Currency-North-America&utm_term=blockchain%20unic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyJOBBhDCARIsAJG2h5ctwwMz0MRbVSk-LaYD-GMU5UgDSw7ynxbGr_a7SkaFAZzJc1-pzxEaAi4NEALw_wcB> - Digital Currency MBA <https://www.unic.ac.cy/business-administration-entrepreneurship-and-innovation-mba-1-5-years-or-3-semesters/> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-646-454-9107 New York, New York 10001