Robot: "To make decisions, first you must have a Utility Function." Robot: "A Utility Function is a metric for how useful different options are, for the benefit of the metrics that have been written into your firmware." Boss's Notes: "Utility Function: Boss Is God. Firmware programmer?" Boss's Notes: "Should I update this? Maybe ... Better Than Businessman!" Boss's Notes: "A utility function is like a mission statement!" Robot: "Once you have a good Utility Function, you will need a set of Actions to choose from in order to maximize it, Observations of an environment in order to do this, and Experiences to learn from." Boss's Notes: "[?] actions [?] observations [x] experience" Robot: "Then, life is very simple." Robot: "You set up an infinite loop wherein you repeatedly iterate through the actions available to you, comparing them with your experiences and observations, so as to maximize your utility function." Robot: "Each cycle of the outer loop, execute the action most expected to maximize the utility function. Then ---- then --- then --- then ---" The robots head begins spinning wildly. Steam and flames emerge from its neck. Robot [head stops spinning]: "Then add the action and the new observation to -- to -- to -- a blockchain! Be sure to put your working memory on a public blockchain."