On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 16:14:59 -0500 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
Equal pay for equal work seems fair.
That IS fair. And that is NOT 'womynz' only issue.
For instance, America is built on slavery. Eventually, within the confines of the statist system (and a pretty fucking ugly war), this was (sort of) ended. Actually, it was more or less replaced with Jim Crow, and the "war on drugs", and mass incarceration, and, umm.. well, yeah. So that's not a great example,
Oh but it is =) - The US was built on slavery and corporatism. And that applies to the rest of the world as well.
but my point is that as much as America is built on slavery, it's built on misogyny,
haha - though in reality such cosmic bullshit is actually not funny...
although I obviously had trouble squaring the circle there at the end..
Anyway, she doesn't read this list :P
So you can drop the feminist bullshit? =) - But wait. You cannot, because, after all, we live in a global surveillance village so you cannot tell the truth about feminism without facing 'consequences'.
I suppose she would say you have to get your hands dirty in the existing system sometimes to accomplish anything, which admittedly is a thin fucking tightrope to balance.
The idea that you can get rid of tyranny by voting is just too ridiculous. Actually you can have your 'female suffrage' if you want and see how women vote for tyranny exactly like they did.
In the modern oligarchic surveillance-state technocracy in which we live, I don't see any way to get rid of tyranny altogether, practical, or otherwise.
So at least don't vote since "voting only encourages them" and gives some sort of pseudo-legitimacy to the charade.
In any case, it's enough to just make one want to live life as best as one can and let the fucking apocalypse sort itself out. Also: don't have kids.
Yep, that's a pretty good point. Now it would be interesting to find out how many 'feminist' womynz don't want to have kids compared to the number of feminists who want to be single mothers bankrolled by the state, or marry a guy, accuse him of 'rape' and steal all his assets, etc.
Resistance may or may not be futile, but it fucking feels that way.
Yeah, the mix of 'progressive technology' with christiano-fascism, judeo-fascism, feminism, eco-fascism and all the rest of niceties produced by judeo-christian 'civilization' is completely toxic.
This argument isn't related to 'feminism' per se anyawy. It's the typical position argued by 'practical' people of different backgrounds - commie, libertarian etc. Except social democrats I guess since gradualist tyranny by voting is a basic strategy used by them.