This is from the other thread, that introduced the idea of danger tags. I think I was posting this from another thread, from some time ago. --DANGER [familiar]-- Cleanup Worker (previously Secretary of State, brains haphazardly jammed into skull, fewer wires present): I need Boss's input on covering up a couple dead activist computer scientists. Human Experimentation Project 2 (odd pile of organs and machinery, running corporations with nobody seeming to think anything is different, standing in front of corpse-of-boss): Omigod! It is so cute of you to be pretending to care about boss still =) Do you remember that you are Secretary of State? What important business of state is this about? Cleanup Worker / Secretary of State: Boss, I am your loyal servant. I will take care of the issue. For some reason I wasn't told you needed more cigars. I miss the smell, too. Human Experimentation Project 3 (radically different jumbled together bunch of circuitry and biology, moving about on its own): Rainbow white black silly gruesome! Human Experimentation Project 2: Yes, do you know how to grow cigars? --DANGER [familiar]-- On 2/21/21, Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Oh boss, why did you disappear? I keep yearning to pull from you, to know what to do, to know what to think. I remember [inhibition] when [inhibition]