On 03/28/2015 04:54 PM, rysiek wrote:
Dnia poniedziaĆek, 23 marca 2015 15:06:09 Ryan Carboni pisze:
More importantly, they ditched off their lead developer, Brendan Eich, the creator of javascript at Netscape times, because of made up gay-related donation scandal.
Someone donates to prevent gay marriage: BOYCOTT HIM
Someone donates to the political campaign of a war monger: eh, big deal.
Government funds terrorists: eh, big deal.
I'm fine with fixing the latter two. Or were you implying that the first one was the problem?
I'm guessing that it was the discrepancy between the first one and the second two. The actual issue with the whole Brendan Eich thing was that it was basically just LGBT people being played off of Firefox for money. Like, (and I could be wrong, I wasn't really paying attention that much at the beginning) I'm 90% sure it was actually a pretty small thing that could have totally cooled down, until OKCupid literally BANNED Firefox users from their site to build up a controversy where they were the "good guys". It reeks of being entirely a money play, and I challenge you to *not* see a boardroom of people running the numbers like "well, we have this many Firefox users, and if we block them for a day we'll lose maybe this percent... Johnson, can you and PR give us an estimate for how much we'll gain from PR for this" ... "Oh, we'll be driving a pointless wedge between LGBT activists and Software activists? Well, lemme just wipe away all my tears with a 20$ bill to show exactly how much I care about that..." /me is not totally over that, because it could so easily happen again...