On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 01:12:10 +0100 Mark Steward <marksteward@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4 Sep 2016 22:13, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
"Form your own group, your own mailing list, with a catchy name, something like "The Privacy Education Foundation," or "The American Civil Liberties Union" (whoops, taken), or "The Society for the Preservation of Cyberspatial Liberty." " "Evolution in action. The market in action. A better approach than trying to get the name and the charter changed."
A market in action...
My point is that the CHARTER of the mailing list is supposed to be LIBERTARIAN.
I don't think you have a clue what libertarian means.
Right back at you. Notice the mention of the LIBERTARIAN party (which is not actually libertarian, but should give you a clue about what libertarianism means) Of course, I know you must be one of those lefty geniuses who believe that 'libertarian' only means 'anarcho' commie, or 'libertarian' socialism. Well, in contemporay english it doesn't. Plus http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=libertarian according to which it was a 'theological' term from 1789 (and 'libertarian' socialists are 'libertarian' as long as people obey their orders)
I see you're authoritarian about language too.
I see you are a totalitarian clown straight out of 1984. So yeah, we can float this room if we want, and redefine language as much as we want, too.
Philosophy's history, much like Scientology's, owes more to narcissism than etymology.
Sure, philosophy is like scientology. And what kind of 'intellectual' credentials are you claiming, now that you admited to being an anti-philosophy anti-intelectual? I know, I know, logic is a patriarchalistical construction used to oppress anti-naricissiticalistical victims like you.