On Wed, Apr 20, 2022, 8:53 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
2022-03-21 thru 2022-03-27: [X] Week 1 of Wim Hof Cold Protocol, 30 seconds cold water daily. Performed indoors.
2022-03-28 thru 2022-04-12: [ ] it simply got harder and harder to shower at all as I stretched the cold water time toward 1:30 in week 2 and discovered my water could be made colder than I had had it before
2022-04-14 thru 2022-04-15: [X] Custom protocol reacclimation, ramped up in five second intervals from 5 seconds to 30 seconds, every time I ate
2022-04-16 0843 ET: [X] 35 seconds with food
2022-04-16 1128 ET: [X] 35 seconds with food
2022-04-16 1326 ET: [X] 35 seconds with a lot of food
2022-04-16 1528 ET: [X] 35 seconds. no food.
2022-04-16 2213 ET: [X] 40 seconds with food, indoors.
2022-04-17 0743 ET: [X] 40 seconds with food, indoors
2022-04-17 1154 ET: [X] 40 seconds with food, indoors
2022-04-17 1355 ET: [X] 45+30 seconds with snack, indoors
2022-04-17 1622 ET: [X] 45 seconds cold water with food, indoors
2022-04-18 1023 ET: [X] 45 seconds cold water with food, indoors
2022-04-18 1516 ET: [X] 50 seconds cold water after a snack, indoors
2022-04-18 1702 ET: [X] 50 seconds cold water with food, indoors.
2022-04-19 1001 ET: [X] 55 seconds with food. Indoors.
2022-04-19 1445 ET: [X] 60 seconds with food. Indoors. Difficulty: medium-hard
2022-04-19 1703 ET: [X] 55 seconds with food + other. Indoors. Difficulty: started hard, ended medium-easy
2022-04-20 0850 ET: [X] 55 seconds with food indoors, air cold Difficulty: medium
2022-04-20 1552 ET: [X] 55 seconds cold water with food, air cold difficulty: hard this was very hard to initiate, and I was refraining from eating. again I made a false start turning the alarm on, to stay in warm water longer. when it turned cold (I didn't have a sugar cookie) I breathed deeply and kept breathing hard, remembering wim hof's story of going into his frozen-over water body a second time. It definitely reduced the cold. I kept breathing hard as I got out. sometimes getting out can be a cold shock too, if I stop a warming technique i'm trying. in his instructions, he says not to do the breathing exercises in the shower, so I may want to reduce that. breathe outside, then go in, I'm guessing. we'll see. worried i'll have trouble continuing again. regarding emotions, I was really down (and inhibited) this time. seems like the biggest reason it was hard. 2022-04-20 1753 ET: [X] 55 seconds cold water with hot food indoors Difficulty: Medium-easy Lots of hot food helped a lot. Sugar cookie when I turned it cold. The water's still feeling much colder than before the air temperature dropped and then later I got kind of down. I breathed and I did push-ups against the wall under running cold water, and this seemed sufficient for the 55 seconds. I think my part remembered wim hof's morning pushups. I had the phone in silent by accident, but when 55 seconds came around I suddenly thought the water seemed much colder than it should, and checked and the time was up. Still hard to continue but quite happy that it was easier than last time. Sugar cookie seemed to help, big reinforcer. Hot food probably helped a lot. 2022-04-21 0709 ET: [X] 55 seconds with some food. indoors. difficulty: medium I was actually energized from finding a possible way to have a safer life. somebody online was talking about working with an app for muslims that contained malware, said their interest was to protect capitalism. I asked what to be to be in the protected set and I think it was basically white american lower middle class, maybe new zealand or eastern europe if usa's in a conflict. conversation progressed around economics of capitalism. I dunno if I can live outdoors if i'm normal lower middle class. it's so hard to think about things. but it's nice to have an idea of how to possibly be safer. I didn't have a sugar cookie. the hardest part was turning the water cold. I did pushups and breathing but stopped partway through. 2022-04-21 0947 ET: [X] 55 seconds cold water with food Difficulty: easy-medium Very hard to start because of lower-middle-class worry. Had a sugar cookie when turned the water cold. Didn't exercise or breathe hard! 2022-04-21 1757 ET: [X] 60 seconds with food and cookie 2022-04-22 0838 ET: [X] 60 seconds with food and cookie, indoors, air warmed Difficulty: easy-medium I had turned the heater back on. I'm turning it back off for next time. It wasn't too hard and I sprayed the cold water on my face which is the hardest area. The sugar cookie was helpful in aiding interpreting small shocks as rewarding and pleasant. 2022-04-22 0934 ET: [X] 60 seconds with a little food, indoors Difficulty: easy-medium Increased the time to 65 seconds. It's still hard, that moment of turning the water cold. Harder than last month. It gives ease how as the time gets longer 5 seconds is a smaller portion of it. 2022-04-22 1930 ET: [X] 65 seconds