CNN, having been body slammed by no less than the POTUS his self: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wwbII15JQ8 (Tucker Carlson's version straight outta Kekistan) , has decided (that's CNN has decided) that "main stream media news outlets making 'offers you can't refuse' to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life", is somehow a wise thing to do: http://theduran.com/cnn-turns-evil-literally-evil/ CONFIRMED: CNN threatens to put US citizen’s life in danger for revenge This rock bottom for the very Fake News Network and the Mainstream Intimidators. And watching some of Trump's past WWE vids reminds us that Idiocracy is not so far from the truth. At least the ratings are high: http://theduran.com/cnn-sees-its-tv-viewers-in-june-collapse-after-having-it... and so soon the crowds will roar with a scream of "WINNER" - thankfully with memes, at least SOME of the credit will go to basement dwelling deplorable meme creators struggling for a life. Nice to see a little citizen's coordination on the MSM body slams: http://www.projectveritasaction.com/category/news/ Moral of this story - when you meme, go hard, go proud and go public, or make damn sure your opsec is reasonable. Memes .. not child's play ... too dangerous for most, so watch your back and patience kekette, patience!