Snowden may have raised the prospect of comsec as a public utility like power, water, gas, sewage, air quality, environmental protection and telecommunications. Privacy protection has been shown to be illusory at best, deceptive at worst, due to the uncontrollable technology applied erroneously for national security. Each of the other public utilities began as private offerings before becoming commercialized and then institutionalized as necessities, many eventually near or wholly monopolies. Each also evolved into military targets for control, contamination, destruction, and in some cases excluded as too essential for civilian livelihood to target. Comsec as a right for human discourse rather than a commercial service could enforce privacy beyond easy violation for official and commercial purposes. Freedom of comsec, say, as a new entry in the US Bill of Rights could lead the way for it to be a fundamental element of Human Rights. The problem will be as ever the commercial and governmental exploiters aiming to protect their interests against that of the public. FCC and NIST, indeed, the three branches, are hardly reliable to pursue this, so beholden to the spy agencies they cannot be trusted. NSA's ubiquitous spying on everybody at home and elsewhere with technology beyond accountability does raise the chances of getting agreement of all targets -- gov, com, edu, org -- to say enough is enough, national security has become a catchall for inexcusable invasion of the public realm.