jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Government is demonstrably incapable of creating technology.
On 2020-08-24 07:48, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
You're right James. That follows from Jim Bell's Philosophy. Reality doesn't exist.
Reality is that all government technology is stolen or purchased from the private sector, and that when the government steals technology from the private sector, it has to kidnap the people who created it, and when those people retire, the technology gradually goes to shit.
german rockets and all the rest of german 'technology' are textbook examples of government subsidized/created garbage.
The historical fact is that the VFR, not the German government, created liquid fuel rockets, and a man kidnapped from the VFR created the moon rocket. And when that man retired from NASA, rockets started going downhill until Musk created a private rocket with private money from his own wealth, and the wealth of similar people.
You mean russian nukes are not decent?
Russian nukes were stolen American technology, which were based on stolen private technology and people kidnapped from the private sector, as NASA's big liquid fueled rockets were based on the VFR's tiny liquid fueled rockets and a man kidnapped from the VFR. And since those men have, like Von Braun, retired, nukes have been going downhill. America can no longer make lithium six, tritium, or plutonium 238, which makes it unlikely that our nukes still work. The people in charge of our nukes want a lead time before testing a nuke, which lead time just happens to be long enough that they are likely to get a different, and perhaps more malleable, president before the inconvenience of actually testing a nuke. If they cannot test a bomb at short notice, unlikely to be able to blow up an enemy at short notice. Russian nuclear reactors stagnated with ours, until Putin, whose new improved nuclear reactors were created by private sector contractors.