0943 traffick boss goes back to hell and celebrates wearing pants he does a pants dance traffick boss [hellfire burning, being dismembered by demons]: "oh yeah, i'm wearing pants" traffick boss [to demon]: "i got my pants on, yo, i got my pants on!" traffick boss sports snazzy legwear 0944 2024-05-01 [we were thinking of taking a certification class this afternoon. the most pressing issue is the summer sun. some seem unphased by it. it's helpful to have something to do, we were thinking goin to a library, to avoid summer sun until sunburns and heat exhaustion have more time or such traffick boss checks karl in mirror he did get some sun. [not bright red, but some red] we don't really understand the sunburn/heat exhaustion, but we were ill a couple days ago, all day, from sitting in car lik ethis for a few more hours. and we felt strangely hot for hours after, and nauseous so we wanted to not spend as long in hot car this morning :) the plan is library, lunch. there's dispute around jumpstarting the car! unsure what this is. forensics worker: it looks like the dispute around jumpstarting the car relates to concern around other tasks. forensics worker: because jumpstarting the car provides _many_ approaches for _many_ tasks, the adversary compromised and disabled it. hrmmmm but forensics worker seems a little trepidatious to investigate what the other tasks of concern were. [we plan to: get out of car, jumpstart it, pack bag, go to lunch and to library. there may be more dialog to navigate this, unsure. getting out of car now?