‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, January 12, 2021 7:14 PM, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Tue, 12 Jan 2021 16:50:25 +0000 coderman coderman@protonmail.com wrote:
even porn sites know you can't rely on your users to moderate themselves!
Hey Cecilia, what do you think of this 'coderman' agent?
what i find interesting about this argument is the dichotomy between mass media, which is inevitably tied to cultural norms, and information dissemination, which is driven by moral imperative. in the mass media case, we have systems beholden to cultural norms including obscenity, defamation, copyright, secrecy. this burden due to the reach and impact of mass media channels. in the information dissemination case, you have counterforces like onions and bittorrent, which defy the controls available for mass media, through individual dissemination of information. there is no exclusion here, and both capabilities work concurrently as balance or complement to the other. (and again, in an ideal society these concerns would be moot; the mechanisms of filtering entirely unnecessary.) best regards,